Diamond Lake Garrison Building / Landmark in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Diamond Lake Garrison

Centuries ago, long before the foundation of the Free City, a petty lord commanded the shores of the lake and the nearby iron ore and silver mines from a sturdy hilltop keep. Today, the refurbished ruin of that keep serves as home to more than 60 members of the Free City Militia, soldiers tasked with patrolling the northern hills, keeping watch the lizardfolk-infested Mistmarsh to the south, and liaising with halfling, gnome, and dwarf communities in the region.   A third of the soldiers are always out on a wide circuit of nearby roadways and wildlands that takes them away from Diamond Lake for a week at a time. Remaining soldiers drill, maintain the garrison, hunt, and familiarize themselves with local terrain.   The bored soldiers present rich mining ground for a cadre of clerics and paladins of Heironeous, who provide spiritual and magical aid to the warriors from a stately chapel within the garrison fortress.   Captain Tolliver Trask, the garrisons aging commander, distinguished himself in recent war and has the respect of his charges and of the community at large. He cares little about the day-to-day politics of Diamond Lake and encourages his men to stay out of local business. He sees his job as critical to the defense of the Free City. Diamond Lake is just something that happens to be near his important work.   He supports Governor-Mayor Neff out of respect for the process that put him in power, if not for the man himself. He trusts his three advisors more closely than any of his other associates.   The Heironean chief cleric Valkus Dun acts as Trask's spiritual advisor and foil.   Trask's best friend is Dietrik Cicaeda, the middle-aged Chief Cartographer of Diamond Lake. Cicada is the region's sole legal authority regarding issues of land ownership, making his journals and maps among the town's most valuable treasures. He and his work thus enjoy the official protection of the garrisons walls and soldiery, and remain safely locked away from the town's manipulative mine managers.   Chief Scout Merris Sandovar, lately of the Bronzewood Lodge druidic community three hours northeast of Diamond Lake, rounds out Captain Trask's inner circle.   The complete garrison force consists of 60 soldiers. Militia members typically wear leather or chainmail armor and carry a longsword or shortbow. This force is divided into thirds, with each squad led by a lieutenant. These individuals have the ear of Captain Trask and the admiration of their charges. Dobron Trent, Mikkela Venderin, and Trovost Skunt, who exploits his authority with regularity and aplomb.
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