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Issue 3: Goblin Gang War Intensifies! Judith Arrested!

General Summary

Tensions rose this past weekend as the Shattergang Brothers and Krenko's Mob waged war on Tin Street. Krenko, a known criminal and part of the Azorius Top 10 Most Wanted, escaped custody late in the evening during a prison transfer to Uzdec Prison located just outside of the Azorius guildhall, New Prahv. The Shattergang Brothers retaliated with Krenko's escape by hitting Tin Street and pressing Ravnicans for any information on Krenko's current whereabouts, using force to get compliance.     A detachment of investigators under the Ravnican Agency of Magicological Investigations headed up the manhunt for Krenko, and reportedly visited the Millstone Tavern and met with Falish, a previously employed Izzet weapons dealer who was removed from the guild when a shipment of her explosives detonated on the lightning rail, causing a train derailment, property damage north of 100,000 alms, and more than a dozen deaths. According to reports, Falish had known ties to Krenko's Mob and was presumed to be Krenko's weapons dealer. The investigators continued their investigation through the sewers of Ravnica, reportedly meeting a creature who only referred to himself Bergh. Using the tracking skills of one of the investigators, a Dimir postal worker by the name of Greer, the group was able to locate Krenko's current hideout as an abandoned Boros warehouse near the pier leading down to Zonot Seven.     The team struck quickly, assaulting the warehouse from either entrance on the west and east sides. In the struggle, 8 Goblins were killed and 4 were taken into custody (including Krenko). It is reported that Krenko used a magical wand containing a new purple crystal to repower an old loading rig to combat the investigators, but was unsuccessful in escaping.     During this time, the Shattergang Brothers put more pressure on the streets by bombing 3 of Krenko's known safehouse locations, each in apartment complexes along Foundry Street. Dozens of people were killed in the explosions and many are left without homes. The Simic Combine Prime Speaker Zegana, as well as the Voice of Selesnya, Trostani, have pledged funds and resources to assist these families in transitioning to a new Precinct. Azorius Lawmages were dispatched after the explosions, and have since arrested 15 known associates of the Shattergang Brothers, though the leaders of the gang remain at large.     Krenko was returned to custody of the Chamber of the Guildpact which oversaw his transfer to Uzdec Prison. Unfortunately, Krenko possessed information regarding six other currently unsolved cases, and was able to cut a deal with the Azorius prosecution to have his sentence cut down to community service and a fine of 125,000 alms. In exchange, the Azorius were able to arrest Judith, the Scourge Diva, a recent escapee of the Sawtooth Prison collapse, another of the Azorius Top 10 Most Wanted. Upon conclusion of the investigation, Master Detective Alquist Proft states that the focus of the organization will shift to the recent murder at Karlov Manor, in which a myriad of resources are currently being devoted.
Judith, The Scourge Diva, was arrested as a result of information supplied by Krenko, and she has since been transferred to Uzdec maximum security prison.

Ancient Temple Discovered!

Recent archaeological efforts in Precinct 3 underneath the Vitu-Ghazi tree proved fruitful last weekend when an ancient temple, believed to worship old gods, was unearthed. Archaeologists reported descriptions of large creature like beings in sketches and painting all over the temple, which have been preserved for further study. Though a remarkable find, many of the iconography depicted in the ancient temple show factually incorrect assumptions, to include depictions of the city of Ravnica without guilds and ruled by religion. Since Ravnica's inception, it has been ruled by the Guildpact which was signed over 10,000 years ago by the guildmasters themselves, and is still sealed with aromantic magic to this day in the Chamber of the Guildpact.     Archaeologists report that the find is valuable in that they can now determine what older religions were prevalent in the years leading up to the Guildpact's creation, and intend to study the ruins further for more information. They report that their findings will be posted upon the completion of the excavation, through The Selesnya Conclave's channels of information.
  by Zara Zu'un
Report Date
21 Jul 2024
Primary Location

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