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Written by Chrundle_the_Great

Lothrien, the Scorched Fury, is an unforgiving dryad witch-hunter. When her woods were burned, she determined arcana as the cause and now pursues anyone with even a lick of arcane magic.  


Partially transformed into a tree, Lothrien cuts a towering figure. Her leaves come in many shades of orange, and her hands end in vicious thorns. Also, while dryads are typically associated with earthy greens and browns, Lothrien's hair is ash-gray and her eyes red. Beneath the bark that shields her chest, her heart pulses with the same fiery light.  


Despite her epithet, she usually speaks in a calm, measured tone. However, she wields her fury with an intense and unsettling certainty, and few are known to have survived her wrath.   In her free time, she enjoys making mage-o'-lanterns (pumpkins carved with wizards' faces).  


In addition to her innate druidic spellcasting, Lothrien is capable of healing severe, unnatural, or magical ailments. Also, she seems to prefer fire, both to destroy and to cleanse.  


She cares deeply for preserving the natural balance of the Fellgrim Forest; Lothrien cares equally little for the peaceful monks of Spring Garden and the militant elves who serve the Order of the White Stag or the Dancing Lady.  


Whoever Lothrien once was, she became what she is now in response to her intense grief and anger over her forest being destroyed. The only survivor, she blamed arcane magic for the crime and vowed to exterminate all its practicioners.   After the collapse of Gaes, she ventured to the humble town of Ixwatch and immolated its wizard's academy, drowning it in masses of thorny vines and establishing her own teleportation circle.   When Kapital prepared for the hunt of the suneater bear, the group sought out Lothrien for information about the creature. In exchange for a special tincture that could counteract the bear's maddening aura, the dryad asked the following price: (1) to kill Adelaide, servant of the Dancing Lady and (2) to kill Aiqus, one of the protectors of Spring Garden.   She also showed them the fate of Pyrax, another protector of Spring Garden who tried to hunt the bear; his body was burnt beyond repair. Lothrien said there was nothing she could do to heal his wounds now. Deeming the price too high, the group still chose to depart without seeking further help.
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