Parasol School

School founded by the Parasol Institute and currently administered by A.E.G.I.S. to train metahumans and others to be effective superheroes. Powerful metahumans (and others) from around the eastern seaboard come to the Parasol School to learn to control their powers. The school also maintains a secure wing for students whose powers are extraordinarily dangerous or otherwise make interacting with the public problematic. The Parasol School offers extension classes for metahumans with minor powers (like the ability to change colors or to grow their hair really fast).    

Public Agenda

  • To provide a well rounded education to young metahumans and others whose powers require exceptional self-discipline to master
  • To provide a safe home for students whose powers make living among the public difficult or dangerous

"Vincit qui se vincit" - He conquers who conquers himself

Educational, School/Academy
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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