Parasol School

A Neo-gothic monstrosity near downtown Halcyon City, the Parasol School is administered by A.E.G.I.S. and the shadowy Board. It is a place of learning for superpowered children and a refuge for metahumans whose powers are so unusual or dangerous as to make living among normals problematic.   Janine, the Parasol School librarian, is a particular favorite with some students. She keeps the Parasol Archives and occasionally grants entrance to students.

Purpose / Function

The purpose of the Parasol School is to train the next generation of superheroes. Additionally, the Restricted Wing houses young metahumans whose powers are too strange or dangerous.


The S.E.N.T.R.Y. sword and shield symbol that once featured prominently in the facade of the Parasol School building was replaced by the A.E.G.I.S. shield and star, although the original iconography can be found in many parts of the interior.


The Parasol School is a massive Neo-gothic edifice sporting huge towers and surrounding an interior Yard. The facility extends to multiple underground levels and connects to a secure network of tunnels and trams.


Despite the antiquity of the facade, the Parasol School boasts extensive defensive capabilities, from the mundane to the alien to the mystical.


The building that now houses the Parasol School was originally known as Sentry Hall, the headquarters of S.E.N.T.R.Y. (Society for the Education of Neo- and Trans-human Regional Youth). This organization was founded in the late 19th century to house "abnormals" from around the eastern seaboard of North America. The overt aim of S.E.N.T.R.Y. was to demonstrate that, with proper education, these metahumans could play a positive role in society. The covert aim was to understand how individuals became superpowered and to find a way to selectively replicate this process. One outcome of this research was the Sentry Serum, many variations of which have been used by S.E.N.T.R.Y., A.E.G.I.S., VENOM, and other organizations to impart superpowers to young people. S.E.N.T.R.Y. was officially shut down in the 1940's as part of the HoDAC investigation and the operation of the school was handed over to A.E.G.I.S. In reality, many S.E.N.T.R.Y. scientists and secrets were simply absorbed into A.E.G.I.S.


The Parasol School is one of the popular sights on the Halcyon River Boat Tours as visitors from around the world hope to catch a glimpse of its superpowered students.
Founding Date
Parent Location
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Characters in Location


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