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Malice Lycoris

Lady Malice Devolai Lycoris

Born to Arachnia Lycoris and Charles Lycoris in the late spring of 2381 DO, Malice Lycoris was the result of swift but short lived relationship following the death of Hassan Lycoris. Though many of Arachnia's political dissenters suggest the 'romance' was simply an effort from Arachnia to appease the human population and their frustration at being under-represented in the town's running.   She was expected to be a Half-Drow Half-Human but after her birth it was revealed Charles had infernal dealings in his past through Malice being instead born a Drow-Tiefling.   Her ageing, oddly for a half elf, seems to match that of a full Elf.   Malice's birth was the first major hit to the Lycoris family reputation, while Tieflings are not largely reviled in the Fate religion as a whole, the Web Of Time retains a cultural distrust of them. It's not largely known what kind of schools Malice was sent away to, but she is known to be a skilled fighter, usually bearing at least some weapon on her person.   In her younger years Malice was often sequestered from the public eye, an embarassment to the family. However, around her 60th year alive she began shadowing her other family members as a bodyguard of sorts.   When Gwylyss Lycoris became more of a public figure, Malice was often presented alongside him, both for protection and to establish herself as someone to be similarly treated with his adoration in the town.   Malice Lycoris is a quiet individual. Often prefering to speak in minimal words to present her feelings on any particular matter. She is incredibly stealthy, often catching people off guard when they finally spot her somewhere in any room.    Her set of Gold Coloured and Ruby Encrusted knuckledusters are a particularly precious item to her. A rare gift from her mother given on her hundreth birthday. They're almost always found on her person, even if she's not currently wearing them.   Arachnia and Malice's relationship is amongst the most strained of Arachnia and her children. Arachnia considering Malice as a mistake and embarassment except for in the ways she's useful to her.   Amelica was around for little of Malice's life, but seemed to pity her younger sister and her position in the family. Many of Malice's clothes, in contrast to her siblings who had their things made uniquely for them, were hand-me-downs from her more highly valued sisters. Amelica's older clothes, due to Amelica's role as a paladin, are among Malice's most commonly worn as they are among the most practical. Since Amelica's Oathbreaking Malice has been incredibly terse and derissive when made to talk about her.   While Xune is not affectionate to Malice, she definitely considers her part of the family Xune desires to keep close. Though, despite wanting to keep Malice in the household she is often emulates their mother's harsh and cruel treatment of Malice, even after things have changed somewhat.   The sibling Malice is closest to is undoubtly Gwylyss Lycoris. Often accompanying him on his trips to other Fate settlements and non-Fate territories as a bodyguard and companion. The two don't act particularly friendly in front of most of the world, but they understand each other well. Gwylyss and Malice also frequently take advantage of their role's necessity in leaving The Web Of Time to seporate and then cover for each other in whatever they were up to alone.   Shylia seems to have less issues with Malice than her older sisters. Perhaps due to her younger age and lack of much interaction with her.   Malice has a particular fondness and empathy for her youngest sister, Zilvra, who was also born with physical features that have marked her as 'abnormal' and possibly suspicious. But Malice is not as involved in Zilvra's care as some of the other siblings.  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Malice is physically fit and dexterous. She has a lean body type.

Body Features

Malice has large, curved horns and a long, pointed tail. She tends to keep that tail tucked in close however.

Facial Features

Malice's eyes are lacking Scelera and her irises are pointed into slits, much like a cat. She has a few different scars on her face that she makes an effort to hide with makeup.

Specialized Equipment

Malice carries a variety of potions and weapons. Many of her potions are poisonous and harmful, though she also keeps potions of healing upon her person in case something happens to one of her charges.   Malice has a large array of knives hidden on her body but her favourite weapon is a set of Gold Coated Knuckle Dusters, with rubies embedded for extra damage. This was a gift from her mother upon Malice's hundreth birthday.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Malice Lycoris was born originally out of Arachnia wanting a Half-Human child to appease the Web Of Time's human population with a Half-Elf.   When Malice was born a tiefling, she was immediately treated as a failure and disapointment due to the circumstances of her birth. She has known from a young age her mother considers her an embarassment and easily disposable.   This understanding of Malice as a disapointment and a source of issues for the family did not go unnoticed by her older sisters. While Amelica was not often in the home with much contact with Malice, Xune and Viyolia frequently berated her and treated her as lesser and a possible way to reduce their daily stress.   When Malice grew up to an age she could be trained in assassination she was sent away by Arachnia to be trained as one. Hoping to at least put her to use by secretly killing off those Arachnia needed subtly disposed of instead of framing them as Heretics.   This training at least spared Malice from much of the physical abuse of her older sisters. Though the mental abuse continued.   Gwylyss, her younger and only brother, as a male, was similarly viewed as lesser within the Lycoris home. Though not to the same extent.   When, Gwylyss Lycoris first requested to be allowed to leave The Web Of Time to persue a life as an entertainer (and blackmailer for the family) he specifically requested Malice as a bodyguard for reasons Malice does not know.   Malice proved herself more than effective, these days being the bodyguard for the family quite often. However, she is still mostly partnered with Gwylyss Lycoris.

Gender Identity

Malice identifies as Female. Though she is not opposed to disguising herself as male, and sometimes enjoys masculine clothes.


Malice Lycoris identifies as a lesbian. She is only attracted to women and has had female partners in the past. Particularly in the assassin's guild where she was trained.


Malice was trained in a popular with nobility, well hidden assassin's guild since she was twenty years old and 'graduated' around the age of ninety years old.

Mental Trauma

Malice Lycoris has been disapproved of by most of her family since her tiefling nature became apparent. Her horns in particular being a source of shame. Malice has been abused by most of her family for her whole life. The wider population is distrustful of her. Malice has been a murderer from a very young age. She is heavily desensitised to violence to others and herself due to the way the Assassin's guild trained her.


Malice Lycoris

Daughter (Important)

Towards Arachnia Lycoris



Arachnia Lycoris

Mother (Trivial)

Towards Malice Lycoris




Arachnia Lycoris has always been distainful and dismissive of her half-tiefling child. Arachnia considers her a blight on the family's image and sent her to the assassin's guild as soon as she was old enough to be accepted.   However, as Malice became more and more skilled at assassination, and proved her worth as a body guard, she may have earned her mother's, albeit begrudging, approval.

Relationship Reasoning

Malice is Arachnia's daughter. She wanted to have a half-elven child for political reasons. But instead Malice was born a tiefling. Arachnia has never forgiven this.

Malice Lycoris


Towards Amelica Lycoris


Amelica Lycoris


Towards Malice Lycoris



While much of Malice's family were openly hostile to her growing up. Amelica was very rarely in Malice Lycoris' presence. While she wasn't much protection, she never showed any hostility to her tiefling sibling, occassionally making efforts to include her in the family.   Since her oathbreaking, Malice has considered Amelica little more than a traitor.

Malice Lycoris


Towards Xune Lycoris


Xune Lycoris


Towards Malice Lycoris



When Malice was home, Xune often made her life a living hell. She hated her for being a blight on an otherwise perfect family according to her mother.   Later in life, Xune has tried to act as if this never happened, or that it was water under the bridge. And, possibly hoping for a reprieve to her current station in the family, Malice seems permissive of this.

Malice Lycoris


Towards Viyolia Lycoris-Arehna


Viyolia Lycoris-Arehna


Towards Malice Lycoris



Viyolia was often cruel to Malice when the two were younger. Considering Malice a defect in the Lycoris family. When the two got older, there was an incident where Malice lashed out at Viyolia, and while she was severely punished, Viyolia has been frightened by her since.   Since Malice has been proven useful, Viyolia has, at least on the surface, treated her better.

Gwylyss Lycoris


Towards Malice Lycoris


Malice Lycoris


Towards Gwylyss Lycoris



While as children, it was expected Gwylyss would act similar to the rest of his family towards Malice Lycoris, possibly worse since she was the only family member 'beneath' him. But this was not the case.   Malice instead was eventually taken away from the Lycoris household by Gwylyss, him claiming to need a bodyguard.   The two now are rarely seen seporate from each other within The Web Of Time, though when they're in other territories they regularly split apart to enjoy their seporate interests.

Nicknames & Petnames


Current Status
Bodyguard of the Lycoris family, particularly Gwylyss Lycoris, her younger brother.
Current Location
125 Years Old
Gwylyss Lycoris (Brother)
A Yellowish Gold. She does not have the whites of her eyes and the irises are slit.
White Hair, usually in a short, practical Ponytail.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark maroon skin.
He Who Does Not Sleep
Aligned Organization


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