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Xune Lycoris

Priestess Xune Idolris Lycoris

Xune Lycoris is the second oldest of the Lycoris siblings, born 2333 DO. She is a Cleric of He Who Does Not Sleep and the current heir apparent of the Lycoris family name, something she takes a great deal of pride and responsibility for. Xune is often compared to Arachnia for her vindictive cruelty and ruthlessness in weeding out 'failures' with her family and community.   While, like all who live in The Web of Time Xune considers her mother, Arachnia Lycoris the most important leader in the town and her life, Xune behaves as a psudo-leader to her siblings, maintaining their day to day roles as assigned by her mother. She is deeply proud of her family legacy and, especially following the Oathbreaking of her older sister, Amelica Lycoris, is determinded to see no further blemishes upon it.   Prior to Amelica's Oathbreaking Xune considered her incredibly close and dear to her. As a young cleric she would often beg to attend to her and be requested by Amelica herself as an accompaniment on any long distance journeys. Amelica would regard Xune as both a source of comfort and one of the best Clerics at interperating the frequent visions Amelica would recieve.   Due to this proximity to Amelica Xune has been concious of her life's ease in being lost and has become quite paranoid as she grows. Curiously for how much Xune emulates her mother however, Xune's actions often seem to focus on keeping her siblings close and alive, even if this means devaluing most of their own enjoyment and individuality.   Xune is a devoted Cleric of He Who Does Not Sleep and as such has been granted powerful magic of her own as well as limited divination magic of her own. She's very learned in religious lore and often leads sermons and ceremonies within the town of The Web of Time.   While Xune is seemingly Arachnia's most favoured child, Arachnia does seem irritated in Xune's lack of interest in seeking out a partner she could eventually continue the Lycoris bloodline with, as well as expressing a distaste for Xune's efforts to protect some of the younger members of the family from things that may otherwise tempt them to move further out of the Lycoris household.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to Arachnia Lycoris as the second child of seven. There has always been an unspoken understanding between Arachnia and Xune that Xune was a replacement heir after Amelica was chosen as a Paladin. Xune quickly was steered into a life of religious and noble studies, becoming a Cleric from a young age. This lead to Xune commonly travelling alongside Amelica and the two sisters being incredibly close. Xune's later siblings were all taught to view Xune as an extention of her mother as the heir apparent, which coloured her relationship to Viyolia as one where Xune gives orders to Viyolia and expects to be followed without question. However, this does not always work, sometimes causing Viyolia to lash out at her. Xune has some degree of hostility to Malice, as her tiefling nature attracts negative opinions of the family lineage. Amelica abandoning the family cast a shadow over their earlier closeness and made Xune even more dedicated to keeping the rest of her family under control. She critiques any and all choices made without Arachnia's explicit approval.

Mental Trauma

Xune was incredibly close to Amelica for most of her developmental years. She has spent her life caring for Amelica through violent and gory visions and heard about many different graphic ways her and her family could possibly die. Arachnia's controlling and cruel personality has molded much of Xune's life and her place within the world. Amelica oathbreaking and abandoning their family seems to have deeply scarred Xune and made her terrified of losing any other siblings.

Personality Characteristics


Maintain the Lycoris family, in both reputation and it's members.


Xune Lycoris

Sister (Important)

Towards Amelica Lycoris



Amelica Lycoris

Sister (Important)

Towards Xune Lycoris




Amelica is Xune's older sister. The two are very close in age, and as a Cleric, Xune was responsible for helping heal Amelica and interperated many of her visions. Prior to Amelica Oathbreaking, the two were almost inseporable, but Amelica has only met with Xune once since, and it did not result in Xune leaving with her or Amelica returning to the Web of Time.

Relationship Reasoning

Close aged sisters, Xune admired and cared deeply for Amelica prior to Amelica leaving The Web of Time.

Xune Lycoris

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Arachnia Lycoris



Arachnia Lycoris

Mother (Trivial)

Towards Xune Lycoris




Xune is Arachnia's second oldest child and her heir apparent. She admires and respects her mother and seeks to emulate her where possible. Despite this, she can never seem to truely appease her mother and make her proud of her in turn.

Relationship Reasoning

Mother and Daughter, Xune is also one of the many clerics under Arachnia's command.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The Lycoris family name and legacy. Studying and the use of Divine Magic.

Xune Lycoris


Towards He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate


He Who Does Not Sleep/Fate


Towards Xune Lycoris



A Cleric of Fate, Xune at least presents herself as heavily devout. She is incredibly adept at divine magic and has been from a young age.

Relationship Reasoning

A God and a Cleric. Xune is one of Fate's strongest Clerics.

Viyolia Lycoris-Arehna

Sister (Important)

Towards Xune Lycoris


Xune Lycoris

Sister (Important)

Towards Viyolia Lycoris-Arehna



Viyolia is close to none of her siblings in particular, though Xune makes frequent efforts to keep reaching out to Viyolia. She seems to resent Viyolia moving so far away.

Malice Lycoris


Towards Xune Lycoris


Xune Lycoris


Towards Malice Lycoris



When Malice was home, Xune often made her life a living hell. She hated her for being a blight on an otherwise perfect family according to her mother.   Later in life, Xune has tried to act as if this never happened, or that it was water under the bridge. And, possibly hoping for a reprieve to her current station in the family, Malice seems permissive of this.

Gwylyss Lycoris


Towards Xune Lycoris


Xune Lycoris


Towards Gwylyss Lycoris



Xune Lycoris originally followed her mother's example with Gwylyss. Being Cold and sometimes harsh on Gwylyss throughout their youth.   Xune would later come to grant Gwylyss respect as his abilities and lifestyle proved useful to the family.   When Amelica Oathbroke, Xune became more desperate to keep the rest of the family closer together. As such she has become much more observant of Gwylyss' activities. A source of irritation for him.

Relationship Reasoning

Xune, like her mother, views men as lesser to her. But she has later become more clingy.

Zilvra Lycoris


Towards Xune Lycoris


Xune Lycoris


Towards Zilvra Lycoris



Zilvra and Amelica Lycoris have never met, it's quite possible the two never will meet due to Amelica's abandonment of the Fate cult.   Zilvra has been taught by her family to view Amelica in a negative light. Though she doesn't really understand why.

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Priestess Xune Lycoris. Lycoris Heir Apparent.
Amelica Lycoris (Sister)
Gwylyss Lycoris (Brother)
Zilvra Lycoris (Sister)
Dark Red
Short, chin length white hair. Somewhat flicks out behind her and curls upwards.
Fate, He Who Does Not Sleep
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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