Dustin Allen

Ser Dustin Allen is a knight of House Allen and is a member of the Kingsguard of Majik, which currently number at four. He is the nephew of Lyonel Allen. He has three sons, Arthur, Quellion, and Viell.  

Appearance and Character

  Dustin was once lean, muscular, and swift. Now he has regressed, becoming incredibly fat, red faced, and his beard has become long and tangled, and his hair has begun to bald. His cloak and armour is usually dirty and stained, and he can often be found sleeping drunk while in his cell.   Dustin was widely regarded for his skill at arms and his sense of duty. He is a veteran of the kingsguard, he has served since he was 31. He has unwavering loyalty to the royal family. After the death of the two kings he has served, Dustin blames himself solely for their murders and does not believe he deserves a position on the kingsguard, let alone command of it.  


  Dustin Allen was born on the night of the battle the Storming of God's Hand. The King, Arthur Ottez, and his father, Betram Allen, would die the day of his birth. He was raised, tutored, and knighted, by his uncle Lyonel Allen.   He was raised to the kingsguard in the year 430. He fought in the Battle at Devil's field where he witnessed the fall of the five sons of Quellion II Ottez. His sworn brother, Ser Adryn Ottez, died in his arms. After, he was named the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard after Adryn's death.   He would fight in The Three Days War, he was told to protect Queen Risa Gaolyth by Aerentis the Ironhand along with the women and the children, but Risa ordered him to allow her to leave the castle. He then protected Risa's sister, Aela Gaolyth, and defended her against the invading northerners. Many of his sworn brothers would die in the battle, but he would survive. After Risa's death Dustin blamed himself, and flung himself at Aerentis' feet, begging to be executed. Aerentis refused and he continued to serve.   Fletcher Dick and William Grasse were good friends of King Viell I and would be given a position on the kingsguard. The kingsguard became a joke amongst the royal court, they were less of a protective service and more of a party that followed the king around and participated in his debaucheries, which only fueled Dustin's sadness. On the night of Viell's assassination, Dustin was guarding the door. When the room caught aflame he attempted to save the king, but he was too late.   He was replaced by Dairin of Blackhold for the position of Lord Commander. He continues to serve Quellion III Ottez.
Year of Birth
399 AGW 82 Years old
Parents (Adopting)


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