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Hilltop is a troubled village within the barony of Rennfreid. In an arrangement unusual in Aurelian politics, it's also owned by the Knights of Rennfreid. It is known for its very profitable mine and for the varied horrors that befell it in the year 499.


Hilltop existed for nearly one hundred years as a relatively unimportant village inhabited by just a few families. It was notable only as frequent stop for travelers to and from Rennfreid, as it's only two days outside of the city. It was not until a wealthy noblewoman, Jan Jahlu, unexpectedly rose to the position of Councilor that the village came to some prominence.

  For unknown reasons, Jan hired Ilithian surveyors to prospect the town's eponymous large hill. Excavation began shortly after, as the hill was found to contain several rare minerals. Most of the prospectors later returned with their families, eventually evolving into a large dwarven enclave. A large influx of Aurelian peasants seeking work also resettled within the town in the coming months. The swelling population necessitated a second Councilor; Johann Fisk, a commoner of exceptional repute, was appointed to the position.

    In the year 499, after beginning work on a new shaft, the village was beset by what came to be known as the King of the Mountain (per the creature's self-description). The King of the Mountain was behind cave-ins, miner attacks, and all manner of other troubles. The creature, in reality, was the korred Grimgril, who disapproved of the villager's rapid invasion of the hill it called home.

  Seizing on the resulting chaos, a small group of long-abused slaves rebelled, occupying the mine and taking hostages. The Pilgrim Regiment 27 happened to be in the area, and attempted to assist the villagers by storming the hill. Their disgraceful loss and subsequent capture led to the death of their Lord Commander and the involvement of the Knights of Rennfreid, though the famous heroes were at that time a nameless band of adventurers.

  The Knights eventually sided with the town's militant abolitionist movement, freeing the surviving slaves and convincing Grimgril to stop bothering the village. They were instrumental in raising the abolitionist ringleader Zilargo to the position of Councilor, a decision they would soon come to regret.

  In the weeks that followed, the town came under the sway of the mindflayer Gorlgh, who had secretly orchestrated a majority of the prior chaos. The Knights returned shortly after a scuffle with the brothers Drago, who, in finding that they had not been corrupted, blackmailed them into relieving Zilargo of his ill-gotten power and eliminating the mindflayer threat.

  After a brief series of battles, the Knights reclaimed the town. They chose to spare Zilargo, viewing him as a hapless and brainwashed lackey whose guilt was not entirely his own. After being taken far from enough from Gorlgh to regain his faculties, he assisted the Knights in tracking down the remainder of the corrupted abolitionists at the Rundown Estate. For their efforts, the adventurers were knighted and granted titles of viceroyalty.

  During this time, Grimgril the korred went missing. He has not been heard from since.

  With the town having no remaining population, it fell into disrepair for several months before its chance discovery by an errant band of Razorbacks. They quickly moved in and began to make plans to use it as a raiding base. This would have proven to be a significant security risk to nearby towns and even Rennfreid itself had they not shortly thereafter been conquered by the fire giant Clan Infera, who maimed the group's fighting strength in their vicious takeover.

  A friendly ettin, Johgamohga, vouched for the Knights and arranged a meeting with the clan leaders. The Knights learned that the clan would prefer to live in their ancestral hold, Shady Sands, and that they would gladly take their Razorbacks with them, but it had been infested by the same mindflayers which had so long troubled the Knights. They reached an agreement that the town would be vacated immediately if the hold was reclaimed for the fire giants. When this was accomplished shortly after, Clan Infera left, true to their word, along with all of their followers.

  The town has been dormant since, with a small population trickling in as time wears on. Notably, Knight Trigger now resides in the town. His activities are unknown at this time.
Founding Date
Owning Organization


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