45, Binroad District Building / Landmark in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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45, Binroad District

Number 45 is an elegant townhouse in the Binroad District of Free Peach City, home to a gaggle of youthful housemates. It once belonged to an archaeologist/historian who died in some way as a result of the rat infestation in the Binroad District. The house is owned by the goblin landlord Droop. There is also an overgrown back garden, home to a flail snail taken from Jooge's Barbershop.  

Lower Level

On the lower level, there is a small bedroom for three people, a dining area that must have once been for servants, and a storage room.  
by Merlin

Ground Floor

On the ground floor, there is a large living area, a presentable dining room, and a cozy fireplace of which Sir Ironheart cuddles up against.  
by Merlin

First Floor

On the first floor there are three double bedrooms and access to balconies that overlook the street.  

Second Floor

The second floor is home to two trophy rooms that were presumably used by the old owner to display artefacts of some description, with excavated statues on display in one room and weapons on display in the other.
Typical house in Binroad District by Merlin


  • 45, Binroad District
Founding Date
House, Large
Parent Location

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