Helm, God of Protection, Duty and Self-Sacrifice in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Helm, God of Protection, Duty and Self-Sacrifice


A favored deity for anyone in the service of another. Popular among the many town guards, small militia’s, or oathbound adventurers across Terrania . He and the gospel that was created about his exploits offer a model which those seeking to live a life for duty aspire to understand and follow.  


The home of Helm worship would have to be Sparanta in Heleninum . It is here the famed “Eyes on the Horizon” Order is headquartered. For generations young Heleninums have grown up idolizing the brave warriors adorned in their polished silver armor. There is also the oddity of the The Sisters of St Lucretcia s in the smoldering remains of Southern Toussaint. Many Helm worshippers are distrustful of them for their heretical beliefs (their idol as a manifestation of Helm), but after generations of the Sister’s heroics throughout the Terrania and beyond; folks have come to accept them as for the greater good.  


Helm was one of the first humans created by Gond, God of Creation, Craft and Terrain to fill the world. Inbued with natural leadership, Helm rose to lead his tribe. He tought them the ways for duty and honor, and his tribe known as the Oathsworn strove to bring peace and harmony in the world by protecting the innocent, and destroying great evils. During the Shattering; with the Pantheon needing addional heroes to aid their battle, Helm ascended to godhood. He immediately began taking the fight to the The Condemned Gods of Terrania . It was during an elaberate rose crafted by Azuth, God of Wizards and Arcane Study and Savras, God of Divination and Fate that Helm was able to mortally wound Cyric, God of Illusions, Deception and Lies . During the climatic final battle, Helm duelled Bane in single combat, however, before the final blow could be levied against him, Bane was able to flee and go into hiding.  


Helm is depicted by the Crest of the Oathsworn. It is modelled after the helmets worn by his tribe, the Oathsworn. It has come to symbolize pillars of Helm worship: resolution in the divine duties and protection of the innocent.


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