Terrania Geographic Location in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Terrania (Tay-Ra-Knee-uh)

The home continent of humans and halflings. Also, home to many of the mixed ancestry folks such as Half-Elfs, Half Orcs, Tieflings, Aasimar and Kalashtars. Was isolated from Umbregia until after The Terranian Awakening. exposed the continent to outside entities. Following the Awakening, relations opened between the two continents and has such flourished.  

Political Entities



The continent shape is that of an easternly faced horseshoe, centered around the Medialulum Sea.  The sea empties northeasterly into the Yergjegor through The Strait of Gorthlund. Seeing as how there are numerous large settlements along or connected to the Medialulem Sea, the straits have become a vitally important route for accessing the coastal regions of Terrania. The outer ring of Terrania sits most of the continent's largest settlements. From here, the residence of Terrania set forth on ships hopping from coastal port to coastal port. Some of the most important routes are through the Reinhart, Ceclia (main link to and from western Umbregia) and Jippon Sea (main route from Eastern Umbregia).    A key defining feature of central Terrania are the mountain ranges that seemingly cut the continent into thirds. The Spigjyollen and Zappadosa mountains create the upper third, while Seynoux and Zargorzo mountains create the lower third. The upper third is defined by his harsh, frigid climate, wild taiga and rough skyscraping peaks of the Parnikas Mountains. It's from these frozen forests the mysterious The Agrios Agnosto  encroaches on civilization.    The middle third is renown for its hot climate, and picturesque shorelines. As this region is flanked on either side by large mountain ranges, it tends to be much drier and hotter than the other parts of Terrania. The lands here rely heavily on the numerous rivers that flow down from the mountains surround them. The cold wind patterns gusting down southwest from the Urkyulla Sea help temper the heat to prevent the area from becoming too inhospitable. It here the continents largest desert sits. The Minonia Desert; pushed up against the Daegyu Mountains, stretches across the western neck of the continent and connect the two halfs. It has long been a different barrier for folks to traverse, and why the settlements across the shoreline of the Medialulem Sea became so important for the area.    The lower third is made up of lush riverlands and rugged coastlines. Cool winds from the south polar region, and large weather systems originating from the Dionyople Ocean keep this section temperate and wet. As a result, lush forest covers the land, and well as large navigable river systems.    The last section of the continent is the large Jippon island off the western coast. The island seemingly risen from the ocean floor by the large and numerous volcanic Takoma Mountain chain that runs down the spine of the island. Hundreds of islands of varying shape and size (that grow every year) do the coastline.

Map of Terrania



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