Valorie Boldwinter Character in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Valorie Boldwinter

Arch-Provost of the Eridenne The Academy of Arcanium during Pyrhem's Calamity.  


Valorie was born and raised in Benglinor, Varangia . At a young age she proved to be adept in the arcane studies and thus, gained a scholarship to the local The Academy of Arcanium annex. While studying there, she developed a fascination with arcane related to cold and ice. To further her studies, she spent nearly two decades in the Seyneux Mountans, travelling from one Auril, Goddess of Winter and Mountains monastery to the next. She returned to Benglinor with the Boldwinter moniker and resumed her work in the Arcanium.   Due to her expertise of in the School of Evocation and her unique talents with cold and ice magic, was given a posting at the Arcanium central campus in Eridenne. In the following decades, she quickly rose through the ranks, eventually becoming Arch-Provost in 1229 AC.   During the Pyrhem's Calamity she made the decision to move the headquarters to Jergencrest, but returned to Eridenne right before The Great Siege of Eridenne began to make sure any last important items were removed in case the city fell. But, while there, she witnessed firsthand the nature of the Calamity and realized its danger to all of Terrania. She decided to stay in Eridenne with a small team of researchers to figure out what they could about the Pyrhems Bloodhorde, and any way to combat their seemingly cosmic commitment to barbarity. They were able to surmise the purpose and architecture of the oblesks and other structures being erected around the city. With the support of the The Sentinels of Terrania , the team worked on disabling the structures in and around the city. This prevented the army from being able to overwhelm the besieged defenders. At the climax of the siege, Valoire dueled Ancalmo keeping him busy, while the Sentinels disabled the largest and most important structure. Ancalmo was wounded during the battle and fled back to Myorpolis. Before departing to return to her duties in Jergencreat, she gave The Sentinels a number of magical artifacts that she thought would help them in their upcoming battle with Pyrhem and Ancalmo.   In the 1250's Valorie lead the Jurgencrest Arcanium through the The Duskmorne Conspiracy. The event, which included the The Trail of the Twelve lead to destabilization and a severe dent to the prestige of the overall institution. Valorie did what she could to guide the Arcanium back to the prominence it once had, and the endeavor, along with the loss of her close confidant Estmyra Mystbringer  weighed on her heavily. Valorie retired from her position in 1277 AC. She left Jergencrest and returned the Seyneux Mountains, living out her final days in devotion to Auril. Her body is entombed in eternal permafrost, high atop the peak of Mount Frostmorn. Many devotees of Auril, or those seeking the wisdom of the cold pilgrimage to her resting place.
Name: Valorie Ormsted Boldwinter
Race: Half-Elf
Honorables: Arch-Provost of the Academy of Arcanium of Eridenne
Expertise: School of Evocation; Frost and Cold
Lifespan: 1126 - 1308 AC


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