The Sentinels of Terrania Organization in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Sentinels of Terrania

Group of four heroes who came together with the help of Prince Jean of Toussaint and Valorie Boldwinter of the The Academy of Arcanium helped defeat Pyrhem Wrathbringer during the Pyrhem Calamity.  


Elendarie Caemire
Rez Alterhorn
Estmyra Mystbringer
Kronli Oathsworn


The foursome came together during the The Great Siege of Eridenne . Each member was in Eridenne for different reasons, but all demonstrated great examples of heroics during the initial stages of the battle. As a result, they were selected by the head of the Eridenne defense; General Jermil Keshlonga to work with Valorie Boldwinter 's Arcanium group and find a way to slow the Bloodhorde down. A turning point was during a daring sally into the Northwest District, an area of the city lost in early stages of the battle. The Eridenne defense took the district back and held it long enough for the Sentinels to investigate an obelisk being built in the central square. As a large counterattack slammed into Eridenne defenders, the Sentinels were able to secure a number of artifacts from the obelisk and returned them to Valorie. The Northwest District was abandoned once again taking heavily losses in the process. But the discovery and action turned out to be incredibly fruitful. Valorie and her team uncovered the purpose of the structure; it housed artifacts that exuded dark energy. When initiated, the artifacts would pulsate what was dubbed Malar Corruption. The corruption would seep into the mind of those will low willpower, turning them into bloodthirsty zealots. This in turn made it easy for agents of Malar to control the large swaths of warriors, who fought with unprecedented ferocity. Without these beacons and structures of corruption, the effect on the individuals would wane, and so would their ferocity. It was theorized if they could disable the many structures in and around the city, the Bloodhorde would slowly dissipate, giving the city hope of holding out. Thus started the cat and mouse game between The Sentinels and Ancalmo 's Malar Heralds, focusing on the disabling and destruction of the instruments of Malar corruption.     In the last stages of the siege, Jermil received word that Prince Jean of Toussaint and the army of Humanities Beckon was closing in fast on Pyrhem's rearguard. It was decided one last sally was necessary, to give the Sentinels time to disable the last and largest of the Malar Corruptors in preparation of the Humanities Beckon. The Sentinels and Valorie fought their way through the labyrinth of sapping tunnels underneath the city. They eventually emerged on the encamped army's flank. Thanks to a signal sent, Jermil began a massive sally against the sieging army. The distraction allowed the Sentinels and Valorie to approach the massive temple where they began fighting their way through. At the heart of the temple, they meet Ancalmo and his chief Herald, Kalmir Slaughterbringer. Over the course of the battle Valorie wounded Ancalmo, and the Sentinels slayed Kalmir. They destroyed the temple, and its Malar Coruptor just as Prince Jean led his vanguard into Pyrhem's rearguard. Without the power of Malar's corruption influencing and empowering the Bloodhorde, their defense quickly collapsed and turned into a route. During the melee, Pyrhem was able to slip away into sea and return to Myorpolis.   The Sentinels joined Prince Jean in his pursuit of Pyrhem in the Myorpolis plain. There the two entities worked together in moving throughout the land, destroying the Malar Corruptors and freeing the populace from its corruption. Eventually, the attack on Myorpolis began and The Sentinels lead the final assault on Pyrhem's bastion. In a fierce battle, the combined powers of the Sentinels came together and they cut down the tyrant. But soon after they learned Ancalmo had escaped and fled to his temple fortress. So, they followed his tracks north, finding his hidden temple of corruption. They heroically stormed the fortress, slaying Ancalmo before he could finish a ritual that would have flooded this world with chaos and Malar's corruption.   After the Calamity, the Sentinels disbanded. But their exploits have become legendary across the continent, and inspiration for all Terranians in their hour need.


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