
The Barony of Kell lies along the Dunwarr mountain range that shields Terrinoth from the foreboding Charg’r Wastes and the strange creatures that dwell within. At its southern end, the barony abuts the borderlands that separate Terrinoth from the Ru. Due to its position on Terrinoth’s border, Kell maintains one of the largest and most heavily trained armies of all the baronies, fed by the fertile river valley and based out of numerous ancient keeps. In the depths of several of these keeps, magnificent rune golems await the time they are once again wakened and called to war. Of course, most outside of Kell take its protection for granted, if they even consider the Ru as a source of any potential threat—which few do.

The soldiers of Kell keep watch on the desolation of the Ru, as well as the fords that cross the Lothan River at Hernfar Isle, from the watchtowers of ancient fortresses, their builders long forgotten. Like so many edifices of the ancient kingdoms, these enduring structures have begun to crumble in the centuries since the last Darkness, the secrets of their construction beyond the ken of today’s masons and wrights. Yet, for now, they stand. Whether they remain strong enough were they put to the test, only time can tell.

Behind these timeworn fortresses, the citizens of Kell prosper. Valley farms keep Kell fed while producing enough surplus to trade with the nearby Dunwarr and Joulnar Dwarves and the Barony of Dhernas. A rich trade in timber and iron keeps coin flowing into Baron Fredric’s vaults. Seldom does the coin rest long, however, before the baron puts it to use for the betterment of his people and lands. It is said that Roland of Kell slew High Lord Margath at the culmination of the Dragon Wars, and many people see that nobility in his descendant.

Geopolitical, Barony
Parent Organization


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