
Rhynn is a largely (by baronial standards) cosmopolitan land, possessing a large city, a sophisticated castle, a rapid messenger service to link the villages and keeps, and excellent control of the River Rhynn, giving it a quick means of moving goods and people out of the barony. Rhynn possesses a character that the people of other baronies often consider haughty. Rhynn has benefitted greatly from the Carthmount silver trade, and has grown wealthy as a result.

Baron Greigory rules Rhynn from his seat at Castle Arhynn. An older man with a thick white mustache, Greigory projects an air of leisurely sophistication, at odds with the militant persona of his close ally, Baron Zachareth of Carthridge. Rhynn’s heraldry features a tree in honor of the Grandmother Tree in the Greatwood, a sacred symbol of the barony’s prosperity. Rhynn’s politics are split between Baron Greigory’s inner circle and the many lesser nobles who have grown immensely wealthy from their lands’ proximity to the Carthmount silver mines. In many ways, the Baron of Rhynn rules as the greatest among equals, his authority more precarious than most barons.

Centuries ago, immigrants from the Free Cities and Lorimor, as well as some from the Dunwarr Holds and Orcish Clans, came to Rhynn in large numbers. These new arrivals, lured by the promise of pay in raw silver, helped the citizens of Rhynn to fight back the goblins and lesser Dragonkin who plagued the Carthmounts. In addition to saving countless lives, they have also enlivened the local culture of Rhynn, and its openness to foreigners is something of an anomaly among the baronies. However, in recent years, more and more stories have emerged of goblins and worse plaguing miners, and the number of missing has reached frightful proportions. The attacks have begun to impact the mines’ yield, and so the lords and ladies of Rhynn clamor for a solution, even if that means hiring traveling specialists.

Geopolitical, Barony
Leader Title
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