
The Barony of Trast is located east of the Lorim’s Gate Mountains, and its lands extend to the borders of the Tanglewood. Its proximity to the Aymhelin, and to Summersong specifically, have resulted in greater interaction between its residents and the Latari Elves than most Humans of Terrinoth have experienced—not all of it friendly. Trast draws its wealth from silver and iron mines in the foothills of the mountains, and its people do some limited hunting and logging within the outskirts of the Tanglewood, although many claim the forest is haunted by werewolves.

As of late, the Latari Elves have been more active—or at least more visible to Humans. Their scouting parties have been spotted emerging from the northern edges of the forest with greater frequency. While fearful peasants blame the Elves for a number of attacks on isolated farmsteads, belligerent nobles rail against this encroachment on Trastian lands. Baron Rault can easily reject the fears of peasants, but cannot ignore aristocratic saberrattling when it arises.

The baron rules from his seat at Castle Artrast. Rault is a just man, but quick to take offense at any perceived sleight to his honor. Visitors do well not to insult his hospitality, even when circumstances might better preclude proper etiquette. The barony's population (both commoner and nobility) is split between two distinct opinions on the Baron. One faction views Rault as a weak leader, too ready to acquiesce to the demands of Latari and Lorimor envoys. Others, however, criticize his heavy-handed approach to treating with the Elves, arguing that his unnecessary provocation risks war with the forest denizens.

Agitators on both sides seek to sway the baron. Some folk also whisper of a conspiracy to unseat Rault—although nobody knows for sure which side, if any, the plotters side with.

In the foothills of Lorim’s Gate, ancient menhirs rise from the tops of a rough circle of earthen mounds. It is said that twice a year, adherents of forbidden beliefs gather in this spot to commune with unknowable entities, in a ceremony led by dark and twisted priests. Baron Rault has expressed some interest in discovering the truth of these rumors and halting the perpetrators if so, but the isolated nature of the location prevents any sort of routine patrol.

Geopolitical, Barony
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations


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