Cruel Sun

Cruel Sun grows the strongest during the special event known as the Red Eclipse, when Sol has an unknown, reddish eclipse. His followers revel in blood, seeing it as holy, comparable to the followers of the Divine King, however, they ready to sacrifice many to appease their god. Cults would either brainwash or kidnap people to become the next sacrifice.  


When the twin goddesses Asta and Astrea came to existence, there was something brewing in the Sailan continent. The Yuan-ti race worshipped the sun but rejected the dogma of the Sunlord, wishing to come to their barbaric ways from the Second Age, Godswar. Thus a new light shined upon them when the sun turned red and a new god spoke to them. They quickly learned his name - Cruel Sun and he heard their prayers. The cultists of the red sun began a purge in the southern Sailan, killing almost all dragonkin and taking control over the great desert. They had a new god to follow and they showed loyalty through the blood. This religion would sweep into other parts of the world and blood cultists would appear in many corners of the planet. It would be revealed during the Fourth Age, The Calamity, that the Cruel Sun is an Aspect of the Greater Deity, the Sunlord, thus creating a schism and inner conflict, not only between the religions but in the main church as well.  


  • Sacrifice is the greatest gift, blood is the way
  • Fear the searing light, it brings life as well as death
  • Revel when my time comes, as my powers grow tenfold so will yours
  • Relationships with other Gods

    Cruel Sun gained many enemies, one such is the Jade Emperor due to his influence in Sailan. The other one would be the Sunlord himself but the greater god of sun can't touch his own Aspect. He makes allies of other gods that use blood and sacrifice in their rituals.  

    Cleric Domains

    War, Light  


    Blood Sacrifice, Red Eclipse  


    None, Aspect  


    Chaotic Evil  

    Known Aspects

    Aspect of the Sunlord
    Divine Classification
    Known Aspect of Sunlord
    Aligned Organization


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