Lands of Storm

During the Second Age, Godswar, the Lands of Storms was a series of islands, an archipelago, belonging to the Giants. They stayed away from the Godswar, mainly defending their lands. The seat of their power was here, hidden behind a curtain wall of a storm. Everything changed on the dawn of the Third Age, Kingdoms. The storm broke, as the magic wasn't there to support it and the Giants went into a civil war. Another island joined their ranks - Isle of Vegoyan but it was a remnant of the Archeron continent. In the Fifth Age, Current Age, the lands are rarely visited but notably passed by, as they are central to the trade between the continents of Sailan and the Old World. Some Giants started to bank on this, starting the Hangsa. There are legends about the Island of Death and the giants there, that they were tasked in keeping a secret passageway into the lands of Titans. Something even the gods themselves can't access and the Titans created in secret during the First Age, The Titan War.


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