Languages of Tethys

Tethys had many languages over the millennia of civilization. Here is a short list of languages that are still used in the Fifth Age, Current Age.  

Common Languages

(spoken around the world or continent-wide language)
  • Archan - The common language of the civilized world. Almost all cities have people that can speak it.
  • Handlaspark - The common language of the seafarers. People in ports and seasoned seamen speak it.
  • Ossian - Spoken by people of Azura
  • Saiyuyan - Set of languages spoken by people of Sailan
  • Acturian - Spoken by people of Forgotten Lands
  • Regional Languages

    (region or country based)
  • Humilis de Divinito - Spoken by the commonfolk in Divine Empire
  • Alidaban - Spoken by nomadic people like in the Lands of Sejluk's Sons
  • Race Languages

  • Loata - Spoken by Islanders
  • Gutterspeak - Spoken by the goblinoid races (not a real language)
  • Giant - Spoken by Giants and similar creatures
  • Talul-onol - Spoken by Mountain Dwarves, common language of the surface Dwarves
  • Talul-ibruk - Spoken by Duergar.
  • Talul-inen - Spoken by Hill Dwarves.
  • Ghoelic - Spoken by Ghols
  • Djunian - Spoken by Seljuks
  • Gnollish - Spoken by Gnolls
  • Tel'Qenya - Spoken by the Elves.
  • Gnomish - Spoken by the Gnomes.
  • Halftongue - Spoken by the Halflings.
  • Draconic - Spoken by the Dragons and is used by Wizards as a magic language.
  • Profession Languages

  • Druidic - Non-verbal language of the Druids.
  • Lingua de Divinito - Unlike Ossian, this language is mostly spoken by Clerics in the Old World.
  • Qenya - Used by powerful Wizards known as High Wizards of the elven race.
  • Valoda - Used by the Wizards as the magic language of their profession.
  • Plannar Languages

  • Celestial - Spoken by the Celestial species.
  • Ba'alal - Spoken by Devils.
  • Barahzud - Spoken by Demons.
  • Talul-ziril - Spoken by Azer Dwarves.
  • Theoric - Spoken in the Perpetum Machinarium by the Modrons.
  • Sylvan - Spoken by the Fey.
  • N'gotol - Spoken by the Undead, mainly found in the planes.
  • Primeval - Spoken by intelligent Elementals.
  • Primordial - Language of "All Things." Unknown users.

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