Malachat Island

Malachat Island was discovered after the Second Age, Godswar by the first Islanders, also, this is the only place you can find Orichalcum. The island was in a lot of trouble during the Third Age, Kingdoms. At first, it was controlled by Islanders, making it their production island for Orichalcum weapons, then it fell into the hands of the Jadeite Empire during the Dragonswar. After many disasters that happened (tsunamis and more) over the centuries, the island fell back into the hands of the Islanders. But not for long, as the Fourth Age, The Calamity dawned and many of the people of the island were killed by the Iconian Empire. It was deserted for a long time, only to be rediscovered in the Fifth Age, Current Age by hungry sailors during the Post-Calamity Era. The lands were still usable and only after the green was restored, they thought about something else than survival. Many battles were fought between the Islanders, until an era of peace was achieved after The Chronoplague. Two nations now stand proudly. One focused on the sea, while the other on the earth - producing and exporting the Orichalcum and its derivatives like weapons.


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