A Few Days Rest

General Summary

Three weeks after their fight with a hag and a merrow, Sterling, the archer and Oleg the goliath found themselves in the small town of Newthicket. With consuming a consistent diet of magically rotten apples, Oleg needed to seek some medical help. A wood elf doctor determined that he would need a few days of bed rest, and this gave Sterling some time to kill until his friend was ready to move. In the inn with him was a female half-elf sitting at the bar, a large copper dragonborn at a table with a water and a small gnome tinkering with an enormous piece of armour.
The half elf overheard the conversation and asked Sterling if his friend really was that stupid, he confirmed, and she introduced herself as Valheria. Sterling offered to cover the cost of Valheria's drink, but she would owe him a silver. The innkeeper, Elnam Tverny, heard that Sterling had a few days to kill and suggested that he check out the town's new notice board, where local people may ask for help. They approached the board and, fighting against the terrible spelling and grammar, determined that there would be a memorial for Saryn Nuitari in 2 days and another poster asking for help with animal attacks at the Dindrane farm.
Thinking that there may be a reward in it for them, the other 2 people in the inn tagged along. The dragonborn introduced himself as Sir Loin, a religion warrior who wants everyone to be chill, and the gnome was Xander Goodfellow, who wanted a break from working on his magic armour. He convinced the large dragonborn to carry the armour, and the four of them headed off to the farm.
Unfortunately, Xander refused to let Elnam give them directions, as he proclaimed he knew the way. He did not know the way, and the group ended up at a small house in the woods. Knowing to ask for directions against Xander's wishes, they met a tall woman with short red hair, Selenia Nuitari. She informed them that the farm they were after was actually a few hundred yards away, up a different path. She suggested going back around as her husband was killed in the woods a few months ago and it may not be safe. The party asked some more questions, and she said that her husband had been killed and she suspected it was by a weapon, but the townsfolk had deemed it was linked to the animal attacks as they started just after her husband's death. She said she had done some adventuring of her own and knew a wound from a weapon when she saw one.
The party headed back around the path and up to the farm where they first met Nain Dinrane working on a fence, who then pointed them to his father Darsson Dindrane. Darsson welcomed everyone and invited them in for tea. no one accepted tea, so he took them out to see the most recent body. Unlike what Selenia had said about her husband, this was clearly an animal attack, although Goodfellow was sure that the cow carcass belonged to a sheep. The body had not been moved, but Valheria was pointed in the rest's direction of the bodies. Each was 2-3 days older than the last, and they only showed signs of animal attacks. To catch the beast, Goodfellow suggested a stake out, which sir Loin mis understood and was excited to eat the animals.
To get in to position for the stakeout, the party took up positions, together, on the edge of the field, with Valheria up a tree. Goodfellow attached some slightly glowing ropes to the cows' necks in order to improve visibility for the group. A short while in to the stake out they spotted a gigantic beast moving out of the woods. The beast moved to the other end of the fields and jumped over a smaller portion of the fence. The next thing the group heard was loud roaring and shreiking. The cows moved away from the noises and Sterling could make out that there were now 2 very large, cat-like creature fighting, one slightly smaller than the other. Sir Loin attempted to move closer to the action to get a good view, but he lost his balance and put his arm through the weak wood of the fence. This drew the attention of one of the beasts, the other was able to land a blow, and the 2 beasts ran in opposite directions. The larger one back in to the woods and the smaller ran through the gate on the other side of the field and in to the woods past the farm house.
The party followed the larger of the two beasts, with Valheria taking the lead and successfully bringing the group back to Selenia's house. Valheria looked through the window and saw her wrapping a wound on her arm. Sir Loin approached the door and knocked. She cautiously answered and asked why they were there, but the party quickly turned the questioning on Selenia and asked her why she was up so late. She tried to lie to the group to say that she was up crying herself to sleep over her husband, but based on what they had seen through the window and seeing the bloodied bandages behind her, they did not believe her. Sir Loin attempted to push open the door to barge in, but she was strong enough to keep the door unmoved and asked them to leave.
They were eventually able to convince her to let them in, where she revealed that a few years ago she, and her husband, were turned in to were-tigers when they were attacked while travelling in Enarm. Saryn was less accepting of his powers, therefore would uncontrollably change in to a pure beast. Selenia was more accepting, which meant that she was in control in tiger form and could change at will. When they returned to Newthicket, Saryn changed and ran off. He was found the next morning killed, and a few days later the animal attacks started. She confessed that when the group came to talk to her earlier; it made her think that she was wasting her powers and should investigate herself. Upon discovering that the creature is another weretiger, she was now determined to take them in and train them to accept who they are and not kill.
The group wanted to immediately find the other weretiger, but Selenia insisted she needed a night's rest to heal up. Also, if they gave her some time then she would find a silvered sword and knife as only silvered weapons, magic or another lycanthrope can hurt a lycanthrope. This wasn't good enough for Valheria, so she started rummaging for the weapons with no success. They agreed to return in the morning.
The next day the group went to Serenia's house and collected her, along with the weapons. Goodfellow enchanted Valheria's rapier and Sterling's bow, leaving Sir Loin with the sword, and he took the knife himself. The 5 of them headed over to the Dindrane farm to search for more clues and briefly chatted to the Dindranes, who were working in the barn. Darsson offered the group a jewel encrusted silvered knife, which was a family heirloom, as a reward for their quest if they found out what was killing his animals. He only presented a reward at this point because of going back and speaking to the innkeeper to get the suggestion. He gave this knife to Valheria if Goodfellow agreed to leave his armour as collateral due to the group needed as many silvered weapons as they could get. They found footprints by the scene of the fight and followed them in to the woods until they came across a small stream. Just before the stream, the last step was not of a big cat, but human. Selenia mentioned that this seems to indicate that whoever the weretiger is, they are not accepting of their powers, as she does not want to go in the water because some of the cat traits seeping in to her human form. They decide to follow the river upstream, towards the town. Goodfellow attempted to cross he river, but due to only being small he was washed away. Sterling chased him own the river and was able to catch him 20 yards further down. While pulling the gnome to the banks, he noticed some human footprints heading back towards the farm.
Knowing that the Dindranes were in the barn, the group decided to sneak in to the house to look for clues. At this Goodfellow tripped on his way in to the kitchen and knocked several pans on the floor, alerting the Dindrane's to their presence. Goodfellow tried to convince the Dindrane's that he was bleeding and dying, but the performance wasn't very good and it fooled no one. During the interaction with the farmers, they found out that Nain had been sneaking out at night to see a girl in the city, and at this Valheria realised she had not formally introduced herself and leaned in for a handshake. They exchanged pleasantries, and she asked him a few questions about the girl. The group were not making any progress, so they indicated that they wanted to leave and Valheria reached out for another handshake. With this she pulled Nain in close and pressed the silvered knife against his face, for it to start to burn and leave a mark.
Realising that he had been outed as the weretiger, Nain backed out in to the yard and started to change. This lead to a long and dramatic conversation where the party was trying to calm Nain down. Asking him how he plans on surviving after killing all the animals? And what would his dad think seeing him this way? Nain said that he liked the power that the beast gave him and he hadn't learned to control it, but just to submit to his bestial half. After nearly convincing him to stand down he fully transformed and attacked the group.
Goodfellow positioned himself inside the house in order to keep in cover, only opening the door to catapult silver coins. Sir Loin, Valheria and Selenia surrounded Nain and continually landed hits to try to subdue him while Sterling fired magical arrows from afar. Nain knocked out Selenia. Nearing the end, Goodfellow ran in to try to land the final blow, but instead missed and was attacked on his retreat. He was bitten but did not succumb to the curse himself. Valhelia was able to land the blow and render Nain unconscious.
The party stabilised the two weretigers and tied Nain to a fence. Upon him regaining consciousness, he agreed to go with Selenia and learn to control his powers so as not to be a danger going forward. The rest of the group searched for the silver coins that Goodfellow had fired at Nain, with Valheria using one of the ones she found to pay Sterling back for that drink.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
27 Mar 2021
Primary Location