Epport Settlement in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil


Epport is a port city located in the Brodanian Empire, but it is controlled by the vampires who reside in the nearby Castle Corvin, home to the powerful vampire emperor, Lord Corvin. The city's streets are lined with gothic architecture and eerie shadows, and its inhabitants move with a sense of unease, always looking over their shoulders for any sign of danger.   Despite its strategic location on the coast, Epport has seen a significant reduction in traffic due to its proximity to the eastern continent. This has made it an ideal location for the vampires to exert their influence, as there are fewer visitors and less scrutiny from the outside world.   The city is heavily guarded by the vampire forces, and outsiders are viewed with suspicion and distrust. Those who do visit Epport are often drawn by rumors of the city's dark magic and the power wielded by its vampire rulers.   Despite its oppressive atmosphere, some brave souls continue to call Epport home, clinging to their humanity in a city overrun by the undead. These rebels work tirelessly to resist the vampire control and reclaim their city from the clutches of the bloodthirsty lords of Castle Corvin.   As tensions between the living and the undead in Epport continue to escalate, the fate of the city hangs in the balance. Will the forces of the living be able to overcome the vampire rulers and reclaim the city, or will the darkness of Castle Corvin continue to spread, consuming everything in its path? Only time will tell.
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