Hanging Jungle Geographic Location in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

Hanging Jungle

The Hanging Jungle is a dense and eerie rainforest located in the southern reaches of the Brodanian Empire. It is a place where the living and the dead seem to coexist in a precarious balance, and the line between the two is often blurred. The jungle is so infused with necromantic energy that it has become a twisted, otherworldly place, where the rules of nature no longer apply.   In the Hanging Jungle, bugs and creatures don't die, and instead, they continue to crawl and fly around as undead creatures. The necromantic energy that permeates the jungle has also given rise to new forms of plant life, which have become hunters in their own right. Vines and creepers with razor-sharp leaves and thorns wrap around their prey, while carnivorous plants lurk in the undergrowth, waiting for unsuspecting animals to pass by.   Navigating the Hanging Jungle is a perilous and harrowing experience, with dangers lurking around every corner. The twisted vegetation and undead creatures that inhabit the jungle make it a formidable challenge for even the most experienced adventurers. Those who dare to venture into the Hanging Jungle do so at their own risk, for the jungle is a place where death and undeath are one and the same, and the living are not always welcome.
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