Southport Settlement in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil


Southport is a bustling port city nestled within the lush jungles of Enarm, known for its rich culture and strong ties to the Order of the Sea. The city is home to a diverse population of traders, sailors, and craftsmen, all of whom contribute to the city's thriving economy.   Despite its affiliation with the Order of the Sea, Southport has recently come under intense pressure from the nearby Order of the Bear. This has led to frequent clashes and skirmishes in the city's streets, as tensions continue to escalate between the two factions.   The people of Southport remain steadfast in their allegiance to the Order of the Sea, however, and have fought fiercely to defend their city against the encroaching forces of the Order of the Bear. The city's defenses are strong, and its warriors are well-trained and highly skilled in the art of combat.   As the conflict between the two orders intensifies, the people of Southport are left to navigate a precarious political landscape. Many fear that the city may soon be consumed by the conflict, and that their way of life may be threatened if the Order of the Bear gains the upper hand.   Nonetheless, the people of Southport remain resilient in the face of adversity, determined to defend their home and their way of life against all who would seek to do them harm. Despite the ongoing conflicts in the city's streets, the people of Southport continue to work and live, holding fast to the hope that one day, the conflict will end, and they will be able to live in peace once more.


  • Southport
Large city
Owning Organization
Vehicles Present

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