Feysheer Mountains Geographic Location in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

Feysheer Mountains

The Feysheer Mountains are a stunning range of peaks in the southern region of Drilura. They are characterized by their jagged, snow-covered peaks and misty valleys. The mountains are home to a wide variety of magical creatures, from mischievous sprites and quick-witted pixies to graceful unicorns and powerful dryads.   Many adventurers are drawn to the mountains in search of magical artifacts and treasures, and some even seek out the fabled hidden lab of the clockwork queen. The lab is said to contain advanced machinery and devices that are beyond the understanding of most mortals. Some say the clockwork queen still lives and works within her lab, tinkering away at new inventions and creations.   The Feysheer Mountains are also home to the continental city of Manlon, a bustling metropolis that is a hub of trade, commerce, and innovation. The city is known for its clockwork technology and is home to some of the greatest inventors and engineers in the world. Many travelers come to Manlon to learn from its experts or to seek their services.
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