Green Woods Geographic Location in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

Green Woods

The Green Wood is a vast forest that covers a significant portion of Agratia. The forest is teeming with life, with tall trees, dense undergrowth, and a myriad of creatures inhabiting its depths. The air is heavy with the scent of pine and cedar, and the soft rustle of leaves is a constant background noise.
  Rumors persist that an ancient green dragon has made its lair deep within the forest, and its presence has kept many would-be settlers and adventurers at bay. However, the Green Wood is not entirely uninhabited. Bandits and outlaws have taken up residence in the forest, using its cover to launch raids on nearby towns and villages.
  The forest is also home to small communities of humans and elves who have learned to live in harmony with the land. They practice subsistence farming and hunting, and keep to themselves, wary of outsiders. The remnants of the orc community, who refused to assimilate into Agratian society after the war, also call the Green Wood their home. They live a primitive existence, clinging to the old ways and fiercely defending their territory from outsiders.
  Despite the dangers that lurk within the Green Wood, many brave adventurers are drawn to the forest's mysteries and the promise of treasure and adventure. But those who enter the Green Wood do so at their own peril, for the forest is full of hidden dangers and ancient secrets.