A Tale of Two Bridges Report in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

A Tale of Two Bridges

General Summary

Starting in a large, luxurious inn in the north half of the city of Dobrigdon, a simple debate on whether a woman should be on the battlefield brought together the adventurers. The tall blond paladin, Virtuitous, was firmly against this idea as he believed women to be fair maidens who require protection, yet Echo, a blue-haired monk, was of the view that there should be more women. They tried to drag a young half orc, Okhrudh Peterson, and a brooding firbolg in to the debate with varying levels of success.
At this point four bandits barged through in to the inn, demanding money and food from the woman seated at the back of the inn. She firmly refused, drawing a strike from one bandit, which caused Virtuitous to enter the fray. There was a brief exchange between the two sides before a fight broke out. During the melee blows were landed by both sides, Virtuitous himself even falling before being stabilised by Terry the firbolg. Okhrudh caused considerable damage to a bandit who was ultimately finished by Echo. While this was happening, a curious tabaxi jumped over the bar to look for cream. When his search was fruitless, he took out his anger on the closest bandit, as all cats are prone to do.
After the fight, the adventurers were approached by the woman, a female human with a cloak bearing a golden dragon who offered them 75 gold pieces each to travel south of the river and either report back with information about the bandit’s next attack or deal with the problem themselves. She offered her son as a guide as he had been south of the river frequently to scout and could take them close to where he believed the hideout to be. The group accepted this “quest”, as Virtuitous defined it, and headed for a night’s rest before heading out.
The next morning, the band headed to the southern half of the city. The houses were incredibly run down and there was sewage and vermin in the streets. While walking Kyren Dymia revealed he had found the bandit’s hide out weeks ago, but had fallen in love with the daughter of their leader. He said he would take them to the hideout if they tried to find a diplomatic solution. This lead to Echo having doubts about their mission, and in turn causing Virtuitous confusion.
When they reached the headquarters, Okhrudh identified them as Order of the Moon, who predominantly help the lower classes, adding further confusion to the paladin’s collection. Terry and Echo grabbed the attention of a passing elderly man who relayed the story of his family having to kill their last cow to survive, this lead to the motive of the group to provide justice for Rosie. In the meantime, Captain Snugglesworth the tabaxi tried to pick pocket Kyren but was caught by Virtuitous. The tabaxi urinated on the paladin in retaliation.
As the group were being loud in the street, Kyren pulled them in to the headquarters. Here they met Tostig Favian, the leader of the Order of the Moon in Dobrigdon. For a while they discussed possible solutions, Echo was in favour of getting a peasant mob to burn the north, Virtuitous heard that Virduk Dymia refers to herself as the dragon and he would like to slay a dragon, Okhrudh referred to what he has learned from his merchant father and suggested multiple business opportunities, and Terry suggested the outcome shouldn’t lead to Tostig being in charge as he didn’t seem to smart. Once again, during this, Captain Snugglesworth attempted to pickpocket Tostig and searched behind the bar for cream, only finding an empty jar that may once have been full.
The sign that Tostig may not be the best candidate for the job was his apparent love for the plan of using a captured bear. He intended to let the bear loose on the northern half of the city to kill Virduk. The band decided that this may not be the wisest idea based on they knew Virduk had magic, so she could easily defeat the bear that the order of the moon could take without magic. The group still went to see the bear and Snugglesworth tried to pick pocket it. He was successful in getting close but could not find any pockets.
The agreed upon approach was to head back over the river and try to get Virduk to agree to peaceful terms and try to get a diplomatic dialogue started. This fell down when Virtuitous was not taken seriously, because of smelling of urine, Virduk proclaiming herself to be the dragon and the lord of the town, and then Echo throwing his spear to start a fight.
Virduk was defeated quickly when Virtuitous, Echo and finally Okhrudh all landed hits. Okhrudh flying in to a rage and decapitating the self-proclaimed dragon. The others took down her guards with efficient ease, Terry blessing the group and Snugglesworth stealing 5 copper from a guard and then climbing to the roof of a building to fire a heavy crossbow bolt. As the last guard two guards ran away, one was brutally smited by Virtuitous and the other was used as target practice by Okhrudh with the loose head.
After their victory, Kyren proclaimed that he would help to restore the city now that he has the gold. At the mention of gold, Snugglesworth stole 5 gold from Kyren’s back pocket. Kyren gave each of the adventurers their promised gold and a small copper coin with a 12 sided star on one side and a dragon on the other. He said it might get them a favour when they need it. Captain Snugglesworth immediately cashed his in for some cream.
Report Date
01 Mar 2021
Primary Location