Adelard Thessla Character in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

Adelard Thessla

Adelard is one of the priests at the Temple of the Raven Queen in Elgenfort along with Deaussa Iotrov. She swore to protect the town from its curse, that lead to the dead rising, and informed a group of adventurers that the night of the single moon is a time when the magics around life and death are unpredictable.   Adelard is a Dwarf cleric and one of the priests at the Temple of the Raven Queen in Elgenfort. She is a stout and sturdy figure, with broad shoulders and a thick beard that she keeps neatly trimmed. Adelard has piercing green eyes that seem to twinkle with a mischievous light.   As a cleric, Adelard is deeply devoted to her faith and to the protection of Elgenfort from the curse that causes the dead to rise. She works alongside Deaussa, a female Aasimar, to combat the undead hordes that threaten the town. Adelard is a skilled healer, able to mend wounds and cure diseases with her spells. She is also a fierce warrior, trained in the use of a battleaxe and a shield.   Adelard has a sharp mind and a wry sense of humor. She is quick with a quip or a sarcastic remark, and she often uses humor to diffuse tense situations. She is deeply committed to the protection of Elgenfort and the safety of its people, and she will go to great lengths to achieve those goals.   Adelard is well aware of the dangers posed by the night of the single moon, when the magics around life and death become unpredictable. She advises caution and preparation during this time, and she encourages adventurers to be on their guard. Despite the potential dangers, Adelard is not one to shy away from a challenge. She is always ready for a fight, and she will not hesitate to put herself in harm's way to protect her friends and her community.
Current Location
The Raven Queen