
Male Elf , N. Str 7, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 7, Cha 12. Ador has black hair and light brown eyes. He wears well-made clothing and a copper amulet. Ador bets that people won't return from the jungle in the south of the Brodanean Empire. Is secretly an Emerald Dragon. Was killed in the year 41 when a group of adventurers robbed his shop.   Runs the magic shop in Dawntead   Ador was an elf of great charm and wit, with a mischievous gleam in his eye that hinted at a secret knowledge beyond that of most mortals. He had black hair that was always impeccably styled, and his light brown eyes were piercing and intelligent. He wore the finest clothing, each garment tailored to fit him perfectly, and always had a copper amulet on a chain around his neck.   Ador ran the most successful magic shop in Dawntead, and he took great pleasure in offering rare and exotic items to his customers. He was always ready with a quip or a clever remark, and his sharp mind made him a master of haggling.   Despite his many talents, Ador had a dark side. He had a penchant for making bets on the most dangerous expeditions, and he once wagered that no one would return from the jungle in the south of the Brodanean Empire. Many thought he was just being reckless, but in truth, Ador was a powerful Emerald Dragon in disguise, and he knew the secrets of the jungle better than anyone.   In the year 41, a group of adventurers tried to rob Ador's magic shop, and in the ensuing chaos, Ador was killed. His death was mourned by many in Dawntead, and his knowledge of magic and the secrets of the jungle were lost forever
Current Status
1256 BW 41 AW 1297 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by adventurers