Arior's Vault Building / Landmark in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

Arior's Vault

shopkeeper - Aror (grandson of Arior), wolflike shifter who collects dried flower pressings  
ItemTypeSanity CategoryRarityPrice
+1 GreataxeWeaponCombatUncommon1,030 gp
Adamantine Half plateArmorCombatUncommon1,250 gp
Chain mail Armor of Resistance (Psychic)ArmorCombatRare6,080 gp
Dragon Slayer ShortswordWeaponCombatRare8,010 gp
Javelin of LightningWeaponCombatUncommon1,500 gp
Leather Armor of Resistance (Necrotic)ArmorCombatRare6,010 gp
OathbowWeaponCombatVery Rare3,500 gp
Potion of Greater HealingPotionConsumablesUncommon150 gp
Potion of HealingPotionConsumablesCommon50 gp
Potion of Resistance against ColdPotionConsumablesUncommon300 gp
Potion of Superior HealingPotionConsumablesVery Rare450 gp
Potion of Supreme HealingPotionConsumablesVery Rare1,350 gp
Scimitar of WarningWeaponCombatUncommon60,100 gp
Scroll of Absorb ElementsScrollConsumablesCommon120 gp
Scroll of Aganazzar's ScorcherScrollConsumablesUncommon240 gp
Scroll of Armor of AgathysScrollConsumablesCommon120 gp
Scroll of Beacon of HopeScrollConsumablesUncommon400 gp
Scroll of Chaos BoltScrollConsumablesCommon120 gp
Scroll of Create BonfireScrollConsumablesCommon20 gp
Scroll of Detect Poison and DiseaseScrollConsumablesCommon120 gp
Scroll of Dispel Evil and GoodScrollConsumablesRare1,280 gp
Scroll of Faerie FireScrollConsumablesCommon120 gp
Scroll of Flaming SphereScrollConsumablesUncommon240 gp
Scroll of JumpScrollConsumablesCommon120 gp
Scroll of Mage ArmorScrollConsumablesCommon120 gp
Scroll of Magic WeaponScrollConsumablesUncommon240 gp
Scroll of Spare the DyingScrollConsumablesCommon20 gp
Scroll of True StrikeScrollConsumablesCommon20 gp
Scroll of Wall of WaterScrollConsumablesUncommon400 gp
Shop, Magic