Fountain Guard

The Fountain Guard are a fearsome and elite group of warriors who serve as the protectors of the queen in the drow city state of Ildor. Their reputation for strength, skill, and loyalty is well-known throughout the underdark.   As members of the Fountain Guard, these warriors are selected for their exceptional physical abilities and unwavering devotion to the queen. They undergo years of rigorous training in both martial combat and strategy, and are equipped with the best weapons and armor available to the drow. Once they are presented with the decorated fountain guard weaponry they can return to Ildor to undertake the trials, which they may not survive.   The Fountain Guard is made up of a diverse group of warriors, ranging from skilled swordsmen to expert archers to powerful mages. Each member of the guard is a master of their chosen discipline, and is capable of holding their own against even the most skilled opponents.   Despite their formidable reputation, however, the Fountain Guard are not without their weaknesses. Their unflinching loyalty to the queen can sometimes lead them to make rash decisions, and their fierce dedication to their duty can sometimes blind them to the larger political landscape of the underdark.   Nonetheless, the Fountain Guard remain one of the most feared and respected military forces in the drow city state of Ildor. Their skills and dedication are unmatched, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to protect their queen and their home.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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