Ironshield Settlement in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil


  Nestled in the rugged eastern frontier of Agratia, the city of Ironshield stands as a resolute bastion, fortified against both the wild, untamed lands beyond its walls and the recent shift in power. Ruled by the indomitable House Ironshield, the city has experienced a turbulent transition, having been forcefully claimed by both the Order of the Dragon and the reigning monarch.   Ruling House: Within the formidable Ironhold, Lord Aric Ironshield presides as the stalwart leader of the city, his unwavering resolve matched only by the formidable Lady Alina Ironshield, his spouse. Their heir, Thaladir Ironshield, is poised to inherit the weighty responsibilities of their house.   Cityscape: Ironshield is marked by its sturdy fortifications and functional, if austere, architecture. The city's buildings are crafted from local stone and timber, a testament to the practicality and resilience of its people. Although not adorned with the opulence of other cities, its structures bear the unmistakable mark of strength.   Recent Conquest: Ironshield's history is marked by a recent, tumultuous takeover orchestrated by the Order of the Dragon and sanctioned by the king. This shift in power has left its citizens wary, their loyalty divided between their traditional rulers and their new draconic overlords.   Frontier Territory: Situated in the rugged eastern reaches, Ironshield has always been seen as a stalwart frontier town, on the precipice of the wild lands known for monsters and farmlands. Its people are known for their tenacity and resourcefulness, having long endured the challenges of the untamed terrain.   Agricultural Hub: Despite its hardships, Ironshield is recognized for its contribution to Agratia's agricultural output. Farms and orchards stretch beyond the city walls, providing sustenance not only for its own inhabitants but for neighboring regions as well.   Uncertain Loyalties: Ironshield's citizens find themselves at a crossroads, torn between their loyalty to House Ironshield, who once protected their lands, and the newfound authority of the Order of the Dragon. The reasons behind this change remain shrouded in mystery, leaving the people to grapple with an uncertain future.   Resilience and Hope: The people of Ironshield are marked by their resilience, an unyielding determination to face the challenges of their demanding environment. As they adapt to the new order, whispers of resistance and hope begin to emerge, as the people search for a way to reclaim their city's independence.   Ironshield, once a symbol of eastern resilience, now stands at the nexus of change and upheaval. The future of this city is uncertain, its citizens caught in the grip of forces beyond their control, struggling to redefine their identity and reclaim their home.