Lake of Souls

The location for the final battle of the Goliath Invasion.   The Lake of Souls is a mysterious and foreboding body of water located at the site of the last great battle between the combined forces of men, elves, and the undead against the invading hordes of goliaths and giants. It is said that the very ground shook beneath their feet as the two armies clashed in a brutal struggle for dominance.   As the battle raged on, powerful necromantic magic was unleashed, causing the very fabric of reality to warp and twist. In the end, the armies of men, elves, and undead were victorious, but at a great cost. The land was left barren, and the air was thick with the stench of death and decay.   The lights over the lake are said to be the souls of the fallen, trapped on the mortal plane due to the residual necromantic powers that lingered in the area.   Since that fateful night, the Lake of Souls has been shrouded in mystery and legend. The lights over the lake can still be seen to this day, and many brave adventurers have tried to investigate their source, only to never return.   Some say that the lake is cursed, and that anyone who dares to venture too close will be dragged down into its dark depths, never to be seen again. Others believe that the lights are a warning from the spirits of the fallen, a reminder of the terrible cost of war and the importance of peace.   Whatever the truth may be, one thing is certain: the Lake of Souls is a place of great power and mystery, and those who dare to venture there do so at their own peril.