Lord Major Elric Von Himmel Character in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

Lord Major Elric Von Himmel

Lord Elric is a powerful and wealthy Agratian noble who has been a close friend of the king for many years. Despite not being a formal member of the Order of the Dragon, he has a great deal of influence in Agratian politics and is known to have used his connections to further his own interests at the expense of others.   He is major of the 1st Battalion - The Kings Warrant, a role which he acquired through closeness to the king.   Elric is a cunning and ruthless man who is feared by many, as he is not above using any means necessary to achieve his goals. He has been known to employ assassins and other unsavory types to eliminate his enemies, and he is not above bribery, extortion, or blackmail to get what he wants.   Despite his reputation, Elric is respected by many for his political acumen and his ability to get things done. He is a shrewd businessman and has made his fortune through his many business ventures, including trade, agriculture, and mining.   Many whisper that Elric is involved in dark magic, and that he has made pacts with demonic forces in order to gain power and influence. However, no one has been able to prove these rumors, and Elric remains a powerful figure in Agratian politics and society.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Major of the 1st Battalion - The Kings Warrant