
Morgrek, the god of darkness, is an enigmatic and powerful deity revered by various sects across the realms. These sects offer distinct interpretations of Morgrek's domain and significance.   The first sect holds the belief that darkness is a force to be respected and revered. They see Morgrek as the embodiment of this primal and mysterious aspect of existence. These worshipers emphasize the importance of balance, acknowledging that light cannot exist without darkness. They view Morgrek's influence as essential for maintaining equilibrium in the world, acknowledging the power and wisdom that lies within the shadows. Their rituals often involve embracing the night, seeking solace and enlightenment within the depths of darkness.   However, the largest sect devoted to Morgrek sees him as the light within the darkness. They perceive Morgrek as a guiding beacon amidst the obscurity, offering solace and protection from the overwhelming void. They believe that Morgrek's essence is embodied by the red moon that shares his name, which casts its gentle glow upon the world and keeps it from succumbing to absolute darkness. Followers of this sect find comfort and inspiration in the idea that even in the bleakest of times, Morgrek's radiant influence can provide hope and guidance.   The worshipers of Morgrek often gather in shadowed temples, where dimly lit altars and candle-lit sanctuaries create an atmosphere of reverence and introspection. Ceremonies may involve chants, incantations, and rituals that harness the power of darkness, symbolizing the connection between the mortal realm and the divine influence of Morgrek.   In addition to these sects, there are those who maintain individual beliefs and interpretations of Morgrek's nature. Some see him as a protector of secrets, an arbiter of fate, or even a deity of introspection and self-discovery. These variations reflect the diverse perspectives and personal experiences of those drawn to Morgrek's worship.   Overall, the worship of Morgrek encompasses a nuanced range of beliefs and practices. Whether as an embodiment of darkness itself or a guiding light within the shadows, Morgrek continues to captivate the hearts and minds of those who seek meaning in the depths of the unknown.   Many organisations bear his symbol, a red citcle to represent the moon.