Order of the Chimera Organization in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

Order of the Chimera

The order of the Chimera is one of the four ancient orders. Their headquarters are in Central City. Their focus is fighting supernatural monsters. Predominantly those from Brodanean Empire.  

Order of the Chimera


Grand Champion

  • Thorin Stonehammer - Race: Harengon - Class: Fighter - Rank: Champion - Description: Thorin is a resilient Harengon with a talent for combat and a deep knowledge of subterranean monsters. He wields a massive warhammer and is known for his resilience in battle.


  • Brienna Fireheart - Race: Tiefling - Class: Paladin - Rank: Champion - Description: Brienna is a fierce tiefling with a talent for hunting dangerous creatures. Her red skin and horns are a testament to her fiery determination and combat skills.
  • Emeniel Shepherd - Race: Aasimar - Class: Sorcerer - Rank: Champion - Description: An older warrior of the order of the chimera.


  • Lirien Windwhisper - Race: Tabaxi - Class: Rogue - Rank: Master - Description: Lirien is a stealthy tabaxi rogue who excels in tracking and ambushing her prey. Her feline agility grants her versatility and adaptability in various terrains.
  • Kara Thunderstrike - Race: Aasimar - Class: Barbarian - Rank: Master - Description: Kara is a towering aasimar with unmatched strength. Her fierce rage in combat makes her a formidable foe to any monster she faces.


  • Eldon Brightspark - Race: Gnome - Class: Wizard - Rank: Expert - Description: Eldon is a clever gnome wizard who specializes in magical traps and arcane knowledge. His spells are crucial in subduing and capturing elusive creatures.
  • Zara Nightshade - Race: Hexblood - Class: Warlock - Rank: Expert - Description: Zara is a mysterious hexblood warlock who uses her dark powers to hunt down creatures of the night. Her connection to eldritch entities gives her an edge in battle.


  • Garruk Ironclaw - Race: Kenku - Class: Ranger - Rank: Adept - Description: Garruk is a skilled kenku ranger who knows the wilderness like the back of his hand. His mimicry abilities and tracking skills are unparalleled, making him relentless in his pursuit of prey.
  • Nessa Greenleaf - Race: Elf - Class: Druid - Rank: Adept - Description: Nessa is a wise elf druid who communes with nature to track and hunt magical beasts. Her affinity for animals and plants aids her in understanding her quarry.


  • Barin Steelheart - Race: Ravenite Dragonborn - Class: Paladin - Rank: Representative - Description: Barin is a devoted ravenite dragonborn paladin who uses his divine powers to protect his comrades and vanquish evil creatures. His bravery and leadership inspire those around him.
  • Milo Quickfoot - Race: Halfling - Class: Rogue - Rank: Representative - Description: Milo is a nimble halfling rogue with a knack for getting into and out of tight spots. His agility and quick thinking make him an excellent scout for the Order.
  • Shara Stormcaller - Race: Genasi (Water) - Class: Sorcerer - Rank: Representative - Description: Shara is a water genasi sorcerer who wields elemental magic to control and defeat her foes. Her spells are as fluid and unpredictable as the ocean itself.
  • Rurik Boulderfist - Race: Minotaur - Class: Fighter - Rank: Representative - Description: Rurik is a minotaur fighter known for his brute strength and unwavering loyalty. He is always ready to stand on the front lines and protect his comrades from harm.
  • Lyra Frostwind - Race: Half-Aquatic Elf - Class: Ranger - Rank: Representative - Description: Lyra is a half-aquatic elf ranger with expertise in tracking creatures near water bodies. Her dual heritage makes her a versatile and skilled hunter in both land and water environments.

Articles under Order of the Chimera