Ruin of the Glimmering Pool

The ruin of the glimmering pool is a decrepit and abandoned bath house situated in the depths of the dense jungle in the southern region of the Brodanian Empire. Once a place of relaxation and luxury, it now lies in ruins, consumed by nature and overrun with vegetation. The structure, although crumbling and decaying, still holds the remnants of its former grandeur. The intricate tiling and carvings that once adorned the walls are now covered in moss and vines, and the once gleaming pool is now murky and stagnant.
  The reason for its demise is shrouded in mystery, but rumors persist of a great tragedy that occurred within its walls. Some say that it was the site of a bloody battle between two rival factions, while others claim that a powerful curse was unleashed, turning the very waters of the pool into a deadly force. Whatever the cause, the ruin of the glimmering pool now serves as a reminder of the fleeting nature of even the most opulent and luxurious of human creations.