Sergeant Machinold Wolsse Character in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

Sergeant Machinold Wolsse

Sergeant Machinold Wolsse is a man in his mid-thirties with a muscular build, standing at an 5'11". He has short, neatly trimmed brown hair and a neatly groomed short beard. Machinold takes great pride in his appearance, keeping his armor and weapons polished and in pristine condition.   Despite his gruff exterior, Machinold is known for his kind heart and good nature. He has a soft spot for the common folk and goes out of his way to protect them from harm. He often spends his off-duty hours visiting the local towns and villages, helping out with menial tasks and assisting the local guards in keeping the peace.   Machinold joined the 52nd Company, also known as the People's Shield, early in his military career. He quickly rose through the ranks due to his skill and dedication to the job. As a sergeant, he is responsible for training new recruits and overseeing the day-to-day operations of his unit.   While he may not be a flashy warrior like some of his counterparts in the more prestigious brigades, Machinold is a capable fighter in his own right. He favors the use of a longsword and a shield, and his training has made him an expert in defensive combat techniques.   Despite his loyalty to the Agratian military, Machinold is not blind to the flaws in the system. He has seen firsthand how the higher-ups can abuse their power and is not afraid to speak out against injustices when he sees them. His outspokenness has earned him some enemies among his superiors, but he remains steadfast in his commitment to doing what is right.
Aligned Organization
Sergeant in the 52nd Company - People's Shield