Silverbrook Settlement in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil


  Nestled in the scenic northern reaches of Agratia, the city of Silverbrook exudes an air of timeless elegance and regal splendor. Ruled by the esteemed House Silverbrook, the city is a beacon of prosperity, characterized by its refined beauty and unwavering devotion to the enigmatic Order of the Dragon.   Ruling House: At the heart of Silverbrook stands the resplendent Silverkeep, home to the distinguished Lord Valerian Silverbrook and his graceful spouse, Lady Elara Silverbrook. Their radiant heir, Isolde Silverbrook, represents the future of this illustrious lineage.   Cityscape: Silverbrook is a visual masterpiece, boasting winding cobblestone streets, majestic marble fountains, and grand manors adorned with ivy-clad walls. The city is punctuated by elegant archways and lampposts, their soft glow casting a warm radiance over the streets even in the darkest hours.   Order of the Dragon: Silverbrook stands as a devoted bastion of the enigmatic Order of the Dragon. Its inhabitants proudly wear the Order's emblem, a symbol of their allegiance to this enigmatic organization. The reasons behind this unwavering loyalty remain a closely guarded secret, shrouded in the mystique of the Order.   Cultural Refinement: The people of Silverbrook are celebrated for their cultural refinement, fostering an appreciation for the arts, music, and knowledge. The city's libraries are renowned throughout the land, and its scholars are considered some of the most erudite in Agratia.   Northern Gem: Located not far from Northport, Silverbrook enjoys a strategic position in the northern expanse of Agratia. Its proximity to the coastline has fostered a thriving trade industry, bringing both wealth and culture to the city.   Harmony and Grace: Silverbrook's inhabitants are known for their courteous manners and the serene grace with which they conduct themselves. Social gatherings in the city are elegant affairs, where poise and decorum are paramount.   Crown of the North: Silverbrook stands as the radiant crown jewel of Agratia's northern territories, its splendor rivaling even the most resplendent of gems. Yet beneath the city's picturesque façade lies a veil of mystery, where the true nature of the Order of the Dragon's influence remains concealed.   In Silverbrook, opulence and mystery coexist, creating a city where beauty and intrigue blend seamlessly to create an aura of aristocratic allure. As the city continues to flourish, its secrets remain hidden, leaving outsiders to wonder at the enigma that is Silverbrook.