Temple of the Sun Dragon Building / Landmark in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

Temple of the Sun Dragon

The Temple of the Sun Dragon is a towering ziggarut nestled deep within the dense jungle of South Enarm. According to legend, it was constructed by a great champion of Soltrer, the god of light, and is said to exist beyond the constraints of time. Within its walls, powerful artifacts of light and purity are kept safe, including the fabled Delta Amulet, which is believed to grant incredible powers to its possessor.
  However, the temple's location and the sacred treasures it holds have made it a prime target for the followers of Morgrek, the god of darkness. These nefarious forces have launched countless assaults on the temple, seeking to steal the powerful artifacts and use them for their own twisted purposes.
  To protect the temple, a group of powerful clerics and paladins of Soltrer once swore to defend it with their lives. They are aided by the temple's guardian, a colossal Sphinx known as the Sun Guardian, who watches over the temple day and night. Despite their best efforts, the temple remains a constant battleground between the forces of light and darkness, with the fate of the world often hanging in the balance.