The Night Market 0

General Summary

Sterling, Sir Loin and Xander were heading towards Larkmead to look for bounties to earn money. They stopped at a tavern called the Mannered Bear on the way. They ordered drinks which very quickly sedated them. Later the group woke up in a dimly lit dungeon where they were being heckled by tavern patrons through gratings above. Quickly they noticed that one of the three paths was not air. They investigated and then fought the gelatinous cube without taking too much damage. Only Sir Loin was absorbed but he was resistant to the acid. Sterling brought Babu into the material plane and they moved forward. Next the group were ambushed by a teleporting Meenlock which the group killed. Next they fought a Nothic, while moving through the dungeon. Throughout this the group was continued to be heckled, hearing bets being made from above. The group saw a large, scaled doglike creature up ahead and took the opportunity for a short rest. Sir Loin found a magical mace, which he chose to use. They then tried to use Babu to lure the creature towards them, bombarding it with ranged attacks. They wre able to use Babu again to get it to attack air and eventually brought it down. With continued heckling, the adventurers moved forward, finding a magical quiver of healing arrows. They turned a corner and saw a large red dinosaur guarding the ladder to freedom. They sniped it from a narrow door, until it moved out of range. At which point they moved in to the area and the fight was joined by a red guard drake. They killed both, with Sir Loin being knocked unconscious. They headed up the ladder and indimidated the patrons, Xander threatened to bring his his friends from the order of the moon to shut them down. They handed over a lot of gold and let the group leave.
Report Date
17 Apr 2021