The Night Market 1 Report in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

The Night Market 1

General Summary

The adventurers arrived in Larkmead, at which Sterling headed off to deal with some business. The rest of the group headed to The Lark's Beak to get a drink and somewhere to stay. Upon walking through the door, the group reunited with Valheria.
Xander checked the notice board for adventures. He found Temple of the Raven Queen needed help reclaiming a temple, Order of the Bear needed help clearing a sewer and Order of the Deer needed help with something destroying farms. He only passed on the message of the temple and the farms to the others. A high elf introduced himself as Chewmar and tried to tag along.
The group decided to help the temple of the raven queen.
They walked down the busy high street of temples until they found the correct place. Going in they met Deaussa Iotrov who told them of a necromancer from the School of Necromancy who had claimed a temple and killed the priests. She joined the group on their quest.
Along the road a group of orcs tried to rob them, but one was lured in and killed with a single stab to the throat by Valheria. The others quickly dismissed the other two. Upon searching the bodies they found a shopping list with terrible spelling.
The adventurers continued until they reached the temple where they fought an ogre zombie with a creative use of a bonfire from Chewmar and a smite from Sir Loin. They checked through the window to see the necromancer sitting reading and some skeletons ambling around.
First the group investigated a mausoleum where Xander nearly died from a shadow but was saved by Chewmar.
Finally the group came to take down the necromancer. They lockpicked a side door and cast a fog spell over the main door. This scared the necromancer and he pushed towards the back of the temple and moved his skeletons forward. Sir Loin then burst through the side door, vaulted the altar and smited the necromancer twice to bring him down before he was able to cast a spell. Then the group turned and worked through the skeletons and a wight.
They took the necromancer back with Deaussa and she rewarded the group, then she dragged the necromancer back to the school to be punished.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
08 May 2021
Primary Location