The Night Market 2 Report in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

The Night Market 2

General Summary

#cThe adventurers decided to chill in Larkmead for a bit after helping at the temple. They reunited with Sterling and Valheria went off on a whiskey tour of the city to try to find the best around.
After quickly visiting the magic armour shop, the group decided that they need more money to be able to invest in some equipment that they like. So they decided to take on another quest. This time they decided to help the Order of the Bear and clear the sewer.
They went to the street of the orders' chapterhouses and found the building for order of the bear. Inside there was a small gnome playing with some gold. He introduced himself as Airaus and said that they believe there is something in the sewer, which they would like to be taken care of so the night market can run smoothly in a few weeks. He gives them each a bronze bear coin to get them past any guards and in return Xander enchants one of the gold coins to continually roar.
  At the sewer entrance the group encountered some guards, where they used magic and skills to hand over fake bear coins to gain passage.
Clearing out the sewers they fought some giant rats, a gibbering mouther and eventually a giant crocodile. They took some teeth out of the crocodile's head and then cut off the head itself as proof of their work.
Outside the sewer one of the guards said that he was a believer in Christianity and once recieved a baby crocodile for christmas, he asked if they saw it down there as he was told it ran away. Xander gave him a crocodile tooth as a token to remember his old pet by.
They took the head back to Airaus, scaring people on the way, and claimed their reward of 200gp each and went back to the Lark's beak for a pint.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
09 May 2021
Primary Location