The Stolen Mine 1 Report in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

The Stolen Mine 1

General Summary

The band of adventurers, on their quest to spread cowless diets through force, had finally made their way to Sandy Brook. At the entrance to the town they were overtaken by a broad orc riding his cart in to town. They learned that the orc, Abrasax Elbereth, was heading in to the village on his first mission from the Order of the Bear, the same order as Okhrudh's family. He had been told that the order wanted to move in to the area and start to trade, specifically with a blacksmith who was gaining renown. Abrasax offered to trade with the group after he had visited the blacksmith.
  Continuing in to the village, the group encountered a collection of villagers who were cheering of a wide barbarian dwarf. He weilded a large greataxe and sprinted past the group and towards the hills.
  The party asked the villagers what was going on and a local cabbage farmer told the group that the dwarf had been sent by the Order of the Mountain to investigate a local mine that the miners had recently stopped returning from. Okhrudh was able to convince the villager that they were sent by the order of the mountain to help the dwarf, the villager was skeptical but suggested that if they really were from the order than they should go talk to Cerigo Neeshka who is the local representative. 
  Cerigo, mistakenly believed to be "sir Igo" by Virtuitous, was initially welcoming to the group. Once again Okhrudh tried to convince the dwarf that they were sent by the order of the mountain and that the barbarian wasn't. Unfortunately Cerigo was an old friend of the dwarf and said they should talk to the lord if they really want to help. Captain Snugglesworth asked the dwarf if he had any cream, after sneaking in through a back window. He shouted upstairs to ask his wife, Linda, but she confirmed that there was no cream in the house.
  The adventurers decided to see the lord of the village to ask for more information about the mine and if they could help. Captain Snugglesworth took this as an opportunity to break in to the castle's kitchens and further his search for cream. He was successfully able to avoid the cook, but was unable to find cream. Upon completing his search he attempted to sneak in to the main throneroom, but was caught by a guard and thrown back in to the kitchens. 
  The rest of the group went in to the main entrance of the castle, where they found little resistance, but were told to wait at the entrance of the throne room as the lord was currently talking to someone else. Virtuitous overheard some of this conversation and heard Abrasax telling the lord to get rid of the order of the mountain representative from the village, he claimed this was now land belonging to the order of the bear and there will soon be a power shift from royalty to the orders. The lord did not take kindly to this and sent the orc away. He treatened that he only had 3 days to comply.
  After the orc left, the group approached the lord to inquire about his problems. For the third time Okhrudh tried to convince him that they were sent from the order of the mountain. The lord, Eliam Aamarus, told the group about how they recently found an untapped mithral mine, but a few weeks ago they lost contact. They sent several villagers to investigate but none returned. His next move was to call in support from the order of the mountain, who sent up Tiranoth Kabrina to investigate the mine. Shortly in to the conversation, Eliam noticed that Okhrudh was order of the bear, which lead to him trusting the group a lot less. Terry and Echo asked why Eliam would choose the order of the mountain over the order of the bear if the order of the bear was stronger and richer. His response was that he had a good relationship with the order of the mountain, and they didn't intimidate him in his own throne room. Eliam thought for a while and came to the conclusion that he had nothing to lose by trusting the group. If he trusted them and they went to the mine then they would help the dwarf and in turn help him, if he didn't trust the group then they would find and kill the dwarf anyway. So, based on the idea of actively not trusting the group would lead to a negative outcome either way, he decided to trust them.
  The party followed Eliam's directions and started to try to catch up with the dwarf on the way to the mine, expected to be about a days travel. Shortly in to the journey the group were ambushed by an ogre and 4 dwarves who had formed a symbiotic hunting relationship. With the apathetic distance kept by Captain Snugglesworth he was able to ambush the ambushers when they attacked the party from behind. The tabaxi and the half orc took down 2 wolves each , Terry pulled off turning invisible and creating distance to heal, and the fight ended when Echo impaled the ogre with his staff after a smite from Virtuitous. 
  Continuing their journey to the mine the oarty came across a group of hobgoblins, on the other side of a small bridge, who had captured Tiranoth and tied him to a rock. Captain Snugglesworth was able to overhear some of the conversation they were having about ransoming off the dwarf. He relayed none of this information back to the group, instead telling Virtuitous that they were "evil-doers" and should be smited. Virtuitous, being slightly less trusting of the tabaxi, decided to test the hobgoblins for himself. After a slip on the bridge and putting his foot through a hole, he was able to recover and emit a bright light to challenge their faith. 
  Either side of the brigde, Echo and Captain Snugglesworth jumped the river to get in to position. Echo and Virtuitous had a brief dialogue with the hobgoblins, they learned that they wanted 200gp to release the dwarf. Echo deemed that this was too much and somersaulted in to combat. He was immediately knocked unconsious by the hobgoblin leader. Okhrudh charged across the bridge to join the fray. He and Virtutious started dealing out damage wildly. Captain Snugglesworth used the fact that he had not been spotted to his advantage, and snuck around the fight to free the dwarf. Through a cycle of Echo being unconcious and Terry reviving him, Echo was eventually able to punch the leader in the direction of the barbarian dwarf, at which they locked in a deadly duel. With the leader out of the way they party were able to deal with the rest of the hobgoblins through mace hits, quarterstaff strikes, decapitations and tolling the dead. Tiranoth was able to dispatch the leader, with the help of Captain Snugglesworth, and the group took to looting.
From their looting they found some armour that would suit Okhrudh and left the rest to be picked up, hopefully, on their return journey. The group fell in line to continue their march to the mine and eventually settled down for the night.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
23 Mar 2021
Primary Location