The Stolen Mine 2 Report in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

The Stolen Mine 2

General Summary

The group wake up from their rest, Captain Snugglesworth has disappeared. A woman on a horse quickly approaches and they stop her. Her clothes are in bad shape and she is hesitant to reveal much about herself apart from her name is Christy.
Virtuitous headed back to get her some clothes from the hobgoblins. She joined them heading to the mine.
The group, also with Tiranoth, avoided a pit trap and headed in to the mine. Leaving Christy's horse, Monty, outside.
Just inside the mine they found a group of bodies, which they discovered very little information from. The walls were covered in a thick web. Then they fought a group of gnolls, seeing more dead human bodies, these with armour.
With a fork in the path, Terry used Augery to identify a path that was more positive. Virtuitous started along the path and a creature dropped on him. Some of the group tried to hit the piercer but eventuall Terry was able to communicate with it and convince it to stop attacking.
Terry cast detect magic to reveal a slightly glowing triangle on the piercer, and other faint magical auras from elsewhere in the mine. He guided the group through the mine, dodging the magical auras until they encountered a much larger source.
This was revealed to be a cave fisher on the roof. Between them they were able to defeat it. Searching the area Okhrudh investigated some bodies that were wrapped in webbing. He divided the gold among the group and kept a magic batleaxe for himself.
They briefly discussed what to do about the mine, as they are unsure about the trustwortyhness of the order of the mountain. Tiranoth used this opportunity to continue clearing the mine himself.
Returning to Sand Brook, they encountered a tall elf leaving the castle. He had a large, decorated carriage and was dressed with rich jewels. A short conversation later he determined the group to be full of idiots and revealed himself to be Galtor, the Order of the Dragon champion for Agratia.
After they went in to the castle and told Eliam Aamarus what had taken place at the mine. He showed that he had taken Abrasax Elbereth prisoner and that he knew there was a change in the political standings between the nobility and the ordered. He wanted the group to show their loyalty by executing the orc. They refused and Virtuitous challenged Eliam to a duel.
He accepted and stepped down from his throne, taking a greatsword from a servant. He launched three attacks at Virtuitous, which he avoided and blocked. He swung back and was easily dodged. Eliam slashed down, with virtuitous dodging but losing his balance. Eliam landed two quick hits to knock Virtuitous out. He walked back up to his throne, handed his sword over, and dismissed the group.
Terry quickly supplied some healing and they were able to carry him out.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
17 Apr 2021
Primary Location