The Stolen Mine 3 Report in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

The Stolen Mine 3

General Summary

The group left Sand Brook. On the road to Agratia City they encountered a band of goblins trying to extort money. They killed the goblins with a lot of damage dealt by Christy, Okhrudh and bell tolling/healing from Terry. Echo slapped a lot.
Further down the road, in the early afternoon, they came across a ruined temple that was being used to train people. This was being ran by Arismal Oldra and the men were being trained by Boretha Armida.
The adventurers found a warm welcome and agreed to stay the night and take some food. They spoke with Arismal, Boretha and a number of the men being trained. The trainees hoped for a better life after this. 
In the middle of the night, Virtuitous overheard a conversation coming from Arismal's office and immediately recognised the voice of Galtor. He asked how his army was coming along and revealed he knew of the aventurer's being in the temple along with spies from the Order of the Fox and Order of the Hydra. Galtor left, indicating he would return in 2 months, and told Arismal to kill the spies but let the adventurers leave. 
Virtuitous awoke Echo and relayed as much information as he could accurately remember. Their first plan was to use Echo to distract Arismal and send Virtuitous to search he office. This plan went about as well as can be expected. Arismal was successfully distracted but Virtuitous forgot he couldn't read and didn't even open any drawers in the desk.
After returning back to where they were pretending to sleep, they waited and 3 men came to drag away "Mr Bugbear", the spy from the Order of the Fox. Echo and Virtuitous woke up the rest of the group and they ran outside to save Mr Bugbear.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
14 Apr 2021
Primary Location