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Salmahn Aendr


Salmahn hails from the Elemental Plane of Fire, and was unceremoniously thrust into a life on the Material Plane when an errant portal showed up near his university, landing him face-first in the dark mud of Mugwump Mire. If you asked him how it happened, he would tell you he was studying it when he lost his balance and fell through, and he'd be lying. Salmahn has always been a bit abrasive, and is not the best at making friends, so it wouldn't be unheard of for someone to push him through a portal to a different plane out of contempt for his know-it-all attitude--purely hypothetically, of course.

Though some of the scorn Salmahn receives is earned by his less-than-stellar track record of making pleasantries, a fair portion of it stems from jealousy. Salmahn received top marks during his studies on his home plane, and though he doesn't know a whole lot about magic as a whole, his mastery over the element of fire is truly a sight to behold. Salmahn has a natural ability to use fire in ways one might never expect possible, including taking control of elementals, countering dark magic, and healing wounds. This reputation has gone to the firenewt's head, however, and he has yet to be humbled by more talented mages than himself.

Physical Description

Salmahn is a short, salamander-esque humanoid with bright orange skin. He wears a dark gray hooded vest and cargo shorts, with a pyre obsidian bracelet one on wrist and a finely-woven friendship bracelet on the other. Salmahn can often be seen with a slight hunch and a scowl, but a few people around the ARA reportedly have been able to coax a smile to creep across his face instead.


The Party

Salmahn got off to a rocky start with the party, as he planned to ambush them and demand the surrender of any and all flammable objects they were carrying. After quickly realizing he was outnumbered, however, he made a deal with the party that he'd help them hunt the monster they were after if they could provide him with a more permanent source of heat. Once they had completed their mission, the party eventually brought him back to HQ, where he would've been able to get a portal back to the Elemental Plane of Fire, though he has since decided to stay and become an ARA Agent instead.

For some reason, the space blob, Blinky, wouldn't leave Salmahn alone, and kept up some charade that they were old friends, which Salmahn hadn't bought even for a second. How could they be old friends if he'd never had friends? Still, something about Blinky's determination to be nice to him despite the fact that no one ever has made Salmahn question if he actually wanted to go back to his home plane at all. Having a fake friend in a weird demiplane felt better than having zero friends at home, and so he resolved to learn from Blinky what it actually means to have a real friend, something that they're clearly more knowledgable about than he is.

Venandi Silve and the ARA

Salmahn isn't a stranger to bureaucracy; the university back home was an absolute nightmare when it came to records and paperwork, which was probably only exacerbated by the fact that paper wasn't a feasible medium to use, so everything had to be done in stone or magical inscriptions. Getting something carved "in triplicate" was a day-long process, but despite the fact that the ARA uses paper instead of stone, they didn't move any faster than his alma mater with respect to his exit paperwork. Because of this, Salmahn assumed that the ARA never had any intention of letting him leave in a timely manner, and decided maybe it would be better to make the most of the situation he found himself in. He is now an agent of the Root Division, with Venandi as his chief commanding officer.

Vena Colubra

Salmahn and Vena have had all but one conversation, and he has the feeling he didn't make the greatest first impression, but that would honestly be par for the course for him. The library at the ARA is a lot more organized than the one back at the university, and a lot more information can be stored per unit of volume when the writing surfaces are thin and can be bound together. The section on magic is a lot larger than Salmahn ever could've imagined possible, and despite his pride being wounded, he's not too averse to the idea that he could, as the librarian kindly suggested, learn a thing or two before daring to speak to her about magic again.

Desmodius Voxell

In his short time at the ARA so far, this plucky eladrin has managed to take grand prize for the most upbeat person Salmahn has ever met, to the point where it's mildly disconcerting. He offered to make Salmahn's pyre obsidian into a bracelet so he didn't have to awkwardly tie it to himself anymore, and he didn't even include a hex on the final product as a prank. Salmahn believes the ARA must certainly be paying Desmo to be this accommodating, since it's the only thing that would make sense to his naive little firenewt brain.

Munda Novou

Salmahn often spends time in Knife, Orc, & Spoon sipping away at Munda's famous hot cocoa. The little confectionary paradise that the kindly orc has made within the ARA demiplane is the only place Salmahn has ever truly felt at peace--whenever Sage isn't showing up to cast illusions in his face, that is.
Rogue, Wildfire Druid
lava floes, hot springs, scalding beverages, accolades, Munda's hot cocoa
mud, water, studying, unexpected interplanar travel
First Appearance
Mission 5
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Field Agent, ARA Root Division
Quotes & Catchphrases
"By the Flames, do you know anything??"
The Four Flames, but especially Vipuro, Celestial Snake


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