
The Blackwater Company Knowledge:

A crew of Blackwater Historians have landed to begin cataloging the ruins of the Iron Isles to truely capture the rich history of the people who have fought the scourge for decades.


The Castle of Carde stood as a bastion between the kingdom of humanity, and their found dwarven allies deep in the mountains north of the castle. It stood as a slate mining settlement where most structures of the Iron Isles drew its construction by a blend of slate and molten iron. During initial searches of the garrison a study was found where historians learned of the castles former leader Lady Vienti Sandromare. It was found that during its prime the ledgers of Carde were up to date with nearly thousands and thousands of gold stores, and a vault beneath the keep described as being the key to the north.

Current State:

The historians have reached Carde to establish and fortify another keep for the Blackwater Company. Upon arrival the crews were met in greeting by Lady Grace Howard, paladin of the Grey Order, and handler of the bound iron fur wolf pack. Allowing for parley it was found that Lady Grace Howard provided the Blackwater Company with locations on a map of the region. Historian Theorin Forrel put in a request with Lady Howard to study, and interview her knowledge of the region.   During the first night in Carde the crew of historians immediately found that there were no signs of dead humans, and found warehouses emptied of arms and armorments. After the first night the historians found their own wolves acting eratic as L
Military, Base
Location under
Owning Organization