

The city of Polisidor was a city that was settled initially by an old Vrykul Clan, its architecture continued to be inspired by the strength and granduer that ironwood offered the taller beings. Eventually the vrykul were thinned out by their own offspring and Jezia Longview lead the populace for his entire lifetime.  

Current State:

The Huntsmen dispatched seven ships to the region specifically targeting southern points of Iron Tree held lands in an effort to launch a full scale incursion with their allies to the north. Strategically the forces took Polisidor over the course of the week leading up to the mission to the heart of the iron tree to draw the attention away from the Blackwater forces. The cursed soldiers gave quite a fight, and were not spared as the battle lasted for two days. (Events captured by the huntsmen will be cataloged for Blackwater Employees to understand the open shared world experience.)
Location under